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Welcome to my website! Find out what's new on this website. My 2nd book is in publication! Check It Out!

Wow! Another Chance!

My first book entitled "Another Chance" is now available in Barnes & Nobles bookstores and on their website. Borders website is listing it as well. There is an opportunity on these websites to post your opinion on this book, please feel free to do so!

 This is a short story of romance and fiction. It is rated PG with the audience intended for teenagers through adults. Look for me in the paper and at book signings, as well. Because of the wonderful opportunity of getting this short story published, I have been motivated to continue writing. This first book will give you a "taste" of more to come. Stay posted on this website for updates on appearances!

Follow Michelle's journey beginning in high school and continuing through her 40s. She struggles through many relationships over the years and always wonders "what if?" and "if only." She had her first crush in high school with Max, and finally after 25 years, she is reunited with him. Perhaps you can relate to Michelle in the type of person she was and who she becomes. Michelle finally ends up with the happiness she deserves and proves to everyone that we all deserve Another Chance in life, whether it be love, career, or family.

Nessa Lee writes: "This kept my interest all the way through, I enjoyed this story a lot! A perfect 10!"

Be a Part of My Next Book!

I'm looking for story ideas! My next book is in progress. It is for children/teens which will be adventure, sci fi, and fantasy.

 Have you had anything crazy or unbelievable happen in your life? Any interesting dreams? Tell me about it!

My stories are totally fiction but I like to get ideas from real life situations. So please email me with your stories or any interesting tidbits you might have!

Way to Get in Touch with Me

Email me with your questions and ideas.

  Want to order an autographed book? Makes a great gift for that teacher, student or parent! Just email me with your details and I will order and ship to you for only $8 per book! (or check out special offer on "What's New" Page)


Behind the Scenes of My Home Page

There may be ads and popups, but this helps me to maintain this site. Check out my other sections of this website!