Georgi Stanchev - Geo

Georgi Stanchev


Georgi K. Stanchev was born on the 24th of January 1957 in the village Vulcha polyana, Yambol area. In 1976 graduates the Art Gymnasium in the town of Kazanluk, specializing in art of painting. He is married with three children and at the moment lives in Varna.


Works in the area of graphics and painting. Since 1979 he works as a restorer in the Museum in the town of Yambol. He participated in area exhibitions in the town of Plovdiv.


Private collectors in Bulgaria, Israel, Germany, France, USA, Sweden, Russia, England, Greece, Japan own his art pieces.


"If you do not discover on time The Meaning of Life, at the end of your Life you will discover that everything you've done, looses meaning."