Letter Choices

A = apple, arrow, artist, apron, angel, (Angel rabbits have haloes around their ears, angel bears have haloes and a paw in the honey jar, angel dogs have haloes and muddy paw prints, angel mouse and monkey girls look cute and feminine. They aren't supposed to be religious symbols, but please let me know if you'd rather not have angels.), April, August.

B = book, ball, bubbles, balloon

C = crayon, cookie, cheese, carrot, cowboy or cowgirl, carpenter, cup, (toy) cars, calendar

D = dice, daisy, drum, (toy) duck, dinosaurs, December

E = envelope (personalized with the child's name and a little stamp), eraser, (toy) elephant, (toy) earth

F = fish, firefighter, flowers, football, February

G = guitar, groceries, goggles, goldfish, (toy) giraffe, ghost

H = hat, hammer, hobby horse, hockey

I = ice cream, Indian, insects, ice cubes

J = jar, jack-in-the-box, jersey (can be personalized with a special number, team name, etc. if it's very short), jewelry, juggler, January, June, July.

K = keys, kite, king

L = leaves, love, letter (similar to envelope), letters (slate with XYZ or letters of your choice), ladder

M = mittens, mask, music (guitar, trumpet, saxophone or recorder), mail (similar to envelope and letter), marbles, map (can be customized with a specific place), magic, mirror, March, May.

N = nightgown/nightshirt, necktie, necklace, (musical) notes, numbers (slate with 123 or numbers of your choice), November

O = oranges, oatmeal, origami, overalls, October

P = puppet, pumpkin, package, piggy bank, princess

Q = queen, quilt

R = raincoat, radio, reader (I can add a title if it's short enough to fit on the spine of a tiny book), rock (animal standing on a rock)

S = stars, scarf, snow, string, saw, (toy) sheep, skateboard, seeds, sunshine, saxophone, September

T = telephone, truck, turtle, trumpet, teddy bear, tambourine

U = umbrella, uniform (can be personalized with a special number or team name if it's very short), unicorn

V = valentine, vase, vest, visor, volley ball, van

W = watering can, watermelon, wagon, wheelbarrow, wastebasket, wizard

X = xylophone

Y = yo-yo, yardstick, yarn

Z = zipper, (toy) zebra, zinnias, zucchini