Key Attractions

– From Wael Abed’s unpublished monographs Desert Haven: Stories from an Egyptian Oasis

“The mighty oasis perfectly symbolizes the serenity of a desert island. The ancient lifestyles I have detected there seemed as they had ever been: unchanged, untouched. Indeed, it was there that I had first experienced “the eternal primitivism of being “.

From an historical perspective, Dakhla embraces in addition to Egypt’s common and unearthed treasures, a reach memoir seldom, if ever been told. T here are well preserved Pharaonic, Persian, Ptolemaic and Roman temples, remarkable Christian necropolises that date back to the 4th century AD, shrines built for Amen-Ra and castles and fortresses representing the architectural techniques of several Islamic eras . Such eclectic collection is rarely seen in such an environment. At the present time, eleven international archaeological missions work in Dakhla alone.

Geographically, the oasis forms part of the seam between two physical spheres: The perforated and oases-spotted limestone plateau that profiles central Egypt and the Nasa-reported Martian sandstone country of southwest Egypt. It also possesses the general characteristics of prolific, semi-arid, arid and hyper arid lands.

I simply calculated that the past and those geographies out to have revelation. Needing a base for further exploits and contribution to the preservation of the national assets, I have chosen folkloric Dakhla as a beacon and a jump-off point to the oases of Egypt and the unmatched wildernesses that embrace them. ”