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Poem: Little red riding hood

March 22, 2010

Small child in red, sent to her Gran’s was she,
To deliver some sweets through the woods, you see.
‘Be careful of wolves,’ The hunter had said,
‘You’re young so I don’t want to see you dead.’
The little girl nodded and said she will be,
But when she met the sly wolf, he was as kind as can be.
‘Where are you going?’ the wolf asked gruffly.
‘Going to my Gran’s because her life’s a bit rough-y.’
‘Well go this way,’ he said with a grin and pointed right,
‘It’s quick and safe and you’ll go through without a fight.’
Little did she know that the wolf was lying,
Quickly on the left, he ran to her Gran’s smiling.
When the girl reached her Gran’s, it was dark and cold,
Frowning she approached with the basket in her hold.
Entering the house she found that she was tricked.
Looking at her hungrily, his lips he licked.
Screaming so loud, the hunter came to save the day,
Fighting against the wolf, until it went away.
Sighing with relief, the Gran and child in now safe hands,
The hunter had smiled. He will always protect these lands.

(c) Aileen Cristoria

August 15, 2009

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