A blog about my experience growing up with both Taiwanese and African heritage, and my love for classic Chinese music,arts and culture.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jody Chiang (Jiang Hui 江蕙) the queen of Taiwanese pop music......

The Queen of Taiwanese pop music Jody Chiang is such a good singer its hard not to like any of her songs.i just started collecting he album, and i am already hooked.
here is one of my favorite song from her called single woman in Taiwan(獨身女子 台灣)

In 2002 Jody Chiang confirms her position as the queen of Taiwanese pop, by winning her third consecutive Non-Mandarin Female Singer award.

1 comment:

ADuu said...

Hi,my dear friend.I'm ADuu.Happy chinese new year!新春快乐!恭喜发财!万事胜意!!!

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