Saki 80 (preview)

So this issue was delayed (supposed to have come out Mar. 18, but postponed to Mar. 19) due to the earthquake in Japan.

Funny how the world goes on despite the tragedy.  I think Sendai’s getting a lot of attention, but I read somewhere that the area closest to the epicentre has been almost completely wiped out — half its population (around 9,500) is missing, and, well…

Though I also read the tsunami inundated… uh, everything 10 km in from coastline, so…  =\

Well, onward to happier things, I guess?  Not much in the mood for really crazy fangirling though.

So we start off with the title page this time, and surprisingly, Hiroe’s sister (Atago Kinue) looks much cuter drawn this way compared to before:

The silicone breasts aren’t that appealing, but she looks much, much better than before.

When before was THIS:

It’s amazing what making glasses smaller + making hair more sleek + introducing some bangs can do.  And she has Grade A zettai ryouiki, so I’m sure the otaku are just gonna eat her up.

So now, on to the story.  Seems like Kurumi and Haruru are still ganging up on Hisa.  =(  Hisa declares riichi first again, but she can’t win because they’ve teamed up.  And since they’ve teamed up and managed to win, they also effectively make Hiroe (the top point-getter) lose her turn as dealer.

And now in the third round of the East game in the second hanchan:  Kurumi wins on a tsumo without declaring riichi.

And Hisa lets us know that apparently, even in her game records Kurumi always goes for damaten (being in tenpai without delcaring riichi).  And so that’s her schtick, I suppose.

But the weird thing is how Hisa refers to Momo as “Momo-chan”, and I’m like WHAAAA.  (Hisa’s comparing Kurumi to Momo, and saying that Kurumi’s style isn’t the same as Momo’s, where you totally can’t even “feel” the presence of her being in tenpai.)

So with this win Kurumi maintains dealership… and no, I don’t feel like summarising anymore since Hisa isn’t pwning anyone.  =(

Well, what happens basically is Hiroe isn’t limited by Kurumi or Haruru’s tactics.  And when Hiroe rons, she goes all, “Hah!  Don’t lump me into the same category as you!” to Hisa.  :<

And of course, Kurumi tells her to shut up and report how much she won with her hand instead of yammering:


Hilariously, if you can read Japanese a bit, Hiroe’s even using polite Japanese with Kurumi since she’s so o_o; from Kurumi.  =D

Well, it seems like Kobayashi got tired of writing about Hisa since we automatically skip to the last round (South game) and then Hisa does a semi-pwny thing (nothing exciting) and then… uh, the match ends.


Yes, it’s as disappointing as my summary.

So I guess I should mention I pull all my pictures and info for preview posts mostly from here and occasionally other sites.

And here’s the points overall at the end:


So… basically, Hisa’s the screw-up this team tournament.  =(  Everyone did better than her so far (Yuuki lost 100 points, big whoop).  And I doubt Nodoka or Saki will screw up.


I hope Hisa gets to do better in the next round.  But it’s depressing since you know Himematsu won’t move on and now Hiroe’s all “HAHA Hisa’s such a loser” without even having to be tsundere about it.


If the next chapter is boring, I won’t be doing a summary, nor will I be translating.

And yeah, yeah, I haven’t translated Ch. 79 yet.  Haven’t had the time to spend 8 hours on it recently, so…

But I’ll do Ch. 79 and 80 for sure.  There goes 16 hours of my life.  <– but devoted to a worthy, Hisa-riffic cause.

Ch. 81 on April 1st.

16 thoughts on “Saki 80 (preview)

  1. just wonder, if someone volunteers to do the cleaning\typesetting\all that stuff, will it speed up the translation?

  2. Actually Nodoka might screw up or Saki in the beginning (obviously winning in the end) otherwise there probably isn’t much tension build up to the next round of matches. Thanks for the great previews though they half spoil it when the chapter gets translated and released hahahaha :P Love the posts though ;D

    I’ve always wondered, isn’t it somewhat easy to screw up placement of translations if the translator doesn’t typeset it themselves? since typesetters aren’t exactly required to know a bit of Japanese.

  3. damn, so fast this time!? chapter 78 just released this month right? I thought this will be released next month… but hey I’m not complaining… XD
    thanks for the review ^_^

  4. i dont know what to make of Hisa’s uh….”moe” face near the end. But she really didn’t do to bad. She lost a lot of pts but when she played like herself she kicked but and had the other two teaming up to stop her and not care about Hiroe who is pretty darn good. But in terms of pts yeah i guess she is the screw up. But i do think that Nodoka and the rest will lose a lot of pts to Hatsumi (just a prediction).

  5. @KJacket
    Ah, yes, I meant Hisa was the screw-up in absolute terms only though — I’m sure the other opponents will kick Nodoka and Saki butt for a bit to build up tension at least. (Since, as awesome as Hisa was for reducing a school to zero points in an earlier match, it still lacks some sort of fun since it was so easy and effortless.)

    And haha, yeah, the previews are pretty spoilery. But I guess it’s for those who are impatient for the next chapter (that hasn’t yet been put out/scanlated for whatever reasons), since writing a preview post takes infinitely less effort than translating/cleaning/editing and so on. =P

    Ah, yes, in scanlation groups, pretty much the only person who has to know Japanese is the translator. But if the script is all labelled correctly for the panels and bubbles in a transparent and structured way, it’s fairly easy to tell what’s what. (It’s also one of the reasons why I prefer to work alone; it’s extra work for me to write out the translated script instead of plugging it in directly.) And anyway, high-quality scanlation groups will have QCers (and possibly the translator) looking over the ‘finished product’ to see if there are any mistakes, so it all works out. =P

    Oh, no, Ch. 78 was released in early February. But if you mean Ch. 79, it was indeed released earlier this month. And we’re getting Ch. 81 on April 1st too, so I guess that is a lot of chapters. ^_^

    Yeah, I pretty much had the same reaction to Hisa’s “moe” face. I didn’t like it very much, and I’m sure there was a better way to draw Hisa being excited and all without making her look like she’s ten.

    And oh, I definitely agree with you. Hisa did kick major butt, with all those two-page spreads and all, but it’s just so sad that she had to be the ‘screw-up’ (in terms of absolute points lost). It doesn’t even really make sense to me she suddenly starts getting nervous now (when she totally blew the competition away in the round before that).

    I’m sure Hatsumi will show us some freaky “occult” stuff too! I can already imagine the hilarity of juxtaposing Nodoka “I don’t believe in the occult but I’m a scaredy cat” with Hatsumi and her ginormous mask.

    • that did kinda upset me that she got nervous out of nowhere and got to be the screw up for this round. I hope for better next time she’s up.

  6. I want to see Nodoka’s game… I hope I can see a more splendid battle…
    When will I ever see Saki fight her Sister? Teru is their first player so how will that work out? geez, I don’t understand it! >:|
    I just hope I got to see more of Saki before the world ends ^_^

  7. @arwn please put the the next raw chapter when it out in april 1 i alweys love nodoka and saki matches they are the best

  8. @hisui19
    Hah, yeah, I was confused by Teru playing vanguard and Saki playing captain position too. Maybe they’re allowed to change player positions between rounds? Who knows… but then, if Teru and Saki played each other in the vanguard match, that would considerably lessen the suspense since, clearly, Kobayashi considers Saki’s mahjong to be the most hardcore.

    Like I said, I’ll only be writing preview posts if I find the chapter interesting. ^_^

    Thanks for providing the raws so quickly every time!

    And yes, it’s so depressing! It’ll be ages till Hisa plays again. *sadpanda* =(

    • See, that’s exactly it — I don’t like Nodoka or Saki very much as characters. =P I’ll have to read the synopsis for Ch. 81 to know for sure of course, but it’s doubtful I’d summarise it in a preview (or translate it) if they’re starting Nodoka’s match.

      In any case, you’ll still get your regular dose of Saki, since it’s not like I’m the only one who has translated chapters so far. ;)

  9. @arwn dont you think the only thing that will make saki match intresting is if they will show her sister in some pages talking about her saki in the next chapters?

  10. @arwn and anouder thing i want to ask you can you remind me what the name of saki sister? that the reason i was not write her name in the last comment

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