[Hakkaya] Buchou Musou — The Unrivalled Buchou

([Hakka-ya] Hisa x Various) Buchou Musou: Download

Whoo, completed within a 24-hour period.  I’m kind of all or nothing.

Please note that I did not translate all of the short stories. (See page 07-1 in the download for more details.)  Just the ones I liked.  But even then, it’s still fairly long.  Much longer than the usual Hakkaya doujin.

So like I mentioned in the previous post, I think Hakkaya’s made me a… (dare I say it?) fan of Hisa x Yumi.  Just barely though.  As long as it exists on a parallel universe and doesn’t affect Mihoko…

The raws are much larger (+2000 px wide versus 850 px in the translated version) and contain the (duh) untranslated pages I excluded from the translated version.  Take a gander if you’d like.

By the way, if anyone has the raws to Anata ga Itemo, Inakutemo, please share.  I’d like to read it in raw, and retranslate it, if possible.

I superficially like Jindai, but I didn’t translate hers ’cause the story with her was really cracky, like I said.  (Imagine Jindai being in love with Hisa outta the blue, and crying her love confession to a sympathetic Hisa.)  I do wonder if part of my affinity toward Jindai is because she’s like a two-eyed, dark-haired miko version of Mihoko.  =D

I think my favourite story out of Buchou Musou was Hisa x Yumi, after all.  Reading it was what made me go, “Y’know, I want to translate this.”  My second favourite would have to be Kana’s.  Surprising, isn’t it, that Mihoko’s doesn’t even place second?  It was really sweet, but I think other HxM Hakkaya make me go d’aaawwwww even more than the little HxM short story here.

And I realise how limited English is (in adequately translating Japanese).  All those endings, sarcastic keigo, etc. are more or less lost.  What I wouldn’t give to be fluent in Japanese enough to write fanfiction.  It’d be so fun trying to imitate various characters’ speech.  I mean, I could practically hear Kana’s voice when she called Hisa こいつ or when she uses her verbal tics…

Well, anyway.  Have fun with Buchou Musou/The Unrivalled Buchou.

7 thoughts on “[Hakkaya] Buchou Musou — The Unrivalled Buchou

  1. Hahaha. My favorite character is Hisa so Hisa x Yumi doesn’t bother me. I prefer Hisa with Mihoko though because Hisa loves to tease Mihoko and it’s fun how endearingly earnest Mihoko is with Hisa.

    • Oh, no doubt Mihoko wins hands down. =P I just love how they interact with each other — all without ever using the onee-sama and klutz archetype. They’re both competent and friggin’ awesome.

      Hisa x Yumi makes me excited in a different way — like “Oh, hey, it might be a nice challenge to try and get them together as a sort of writer’s challenge”.

      They’re on different levels, I suppose? And perhaps there’s a bit of your reason too — Hisa’s my favourite as well, so…

  2. Ah, I think Mihoko and Yumi are similar in some ways. They’re both competent and Hisa makes them both flustered – at least here.

    Although I did think it hilarious in the manga that Yumi seems to cut through Hisa’s usual teasing to get to Hisa’s own insecure part. I dunno. It was an interesting change of pace.

    BTW, it was adorable, Hisa doing the wahaha.

    • Yeah, now that you mention it, the Hisa x Mihoko and Hisa x Yumi dynamics are fairly similar. I suppose you could say Mihoko and Yumi exhibit different kinds of flusteredness, though. (Straight blush vs. gruff)

      It might be fun to have Hisa be the ‘teasee’ once in a while, but I think the whole thing with Yumi and Hisa came right out of the left field. I haven’t been following the manga very closely so I’m not sure if there were ‘other developments’, but it seemed a bit out of place, I guess?

      Though if we’re talking about Hisa being less self-assured than what we usually see, I mainly think of either the thing during the qualifiers with Mako (when they’re walking back after the first day) or when she walks stiffly toward the stage at the nationals. It’s nice to know she isn’t invulnerable. =)

  3. I know you’re not interested in translating the rest but is there somewhere I can get the RAWs? Maybe I can bribe another person to finish the translations XD.

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