My Lazy Saturday

OK, people usually have lazy Sundays.. but I thought one day of laziness is simply not enough to recuperate from 5 days of busy-ness. So I added Saturday to my lazy-day list. Starting today.

Oh it didn’t actually started that way.. I woke up with grand plans in my head, which includes cleaning up my room, calling up old friends, catching up with my readings and my writings, sorting out photos from my phone, etc etc.

Out of all those, I managed (or about to manage) one of them: write… and that’s at 8 in the evening.. a cool 12 hours after I made my highly-optimistic list of things to do. All the other things have been replaced by one thing and one thing only: watch TV. damn you TV.

No, really, DAMN you TV. Believe it or not, TV has only recently entered my life here in Jakarta. For the past 4 months or so, there was no TV at home. Well, the physical TV set is there, but since we hadn’t subscribed to any cable television we didn’t receive any TV signals. The good ol’ telly was used sporadically during the weekends simply to watch DVDs.

But you know what? None of us, i.e. neither me, my Mom or my Dad, really missed the whole “watching TV” activity. To those sceptics who asked “So what do you guys do at night/weekends?”, the simple answer is “Eat, play cards, read books, just sit in comfortable silence, or sleep.” I found that the 2-3 hours I get at home after work is just enough to fit these things in.” And it’s true.

But now that the modern evil has re-entered our home, I feel my productivity slipping down. No, scratch that. It didn’t slip… it plunged. Head-first. Into the icy-cold water, to die a permanent death.

So tomorrow, the previously designated lazy-day of Sunday has to become the uber-productive Sunday to make up for this Satur-lazy-day. God may rest on the 7th day, but I guess that’s a priviledge only God can afford.. the toil continues for a mere mortal like me.

6 responses to this post.

  1. Ditch ur antenna. Watch DVD instead. Haha..


  2. Posted by Baz on December 21, 2009 at 7:41 pm

    Skip DVDs. The internet and a little bit of patience is all you need 😀

    Oh, the wonders of the intertubes…


    • Posted by asti on December 24, 2009 at 6:35 pm

      hahaha yes, the internet is great for that.. especially for the tv series that you don’t get here in indonesia.


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