Tomato bombs - 10 minute tomato bombs to blow your mind!

The only bombs that should exist on this earth are those of the nightshade family -  enter Mr Tomato.  The blushing red fruits are packed full of lycopene - said to beneficial to health and are endlessly versatile.

Over the next few days I will be testing out recipes from a cookbook I am reviewing. It is not a new book; published way back in the day 2004, but it is new to me.  I found it in my village's mini library (its more like a shed with books in).

The use of some interesting ingredients and the glorious photographs intrigued me so I got myself a copy and wrote a long list of recipes to test.

I happened to have three beautifully ripe tomatoes sitting in my bowl that were singing out to be embellished and adorned so I grabbed book and ingredients and set to work.  I used the Vegan cook book written by Tony Weston & Yvonne Bishop for their recipe and then added two of my own variations.  Each mixture only takes minutes to prepare.

I changed up their recipe slightly (they used cream cheese and I only had Redwoods Blue Cheese). 

I used the following quantities so change these up according to how many you want to make. 

Each recipe will make approximately 2 large tomato bombs. To prepare the tomatoes cut a sliver off the bottom of each and cut off the tops.  Scoop out the innards and retain juice and innards in two separate bowls.

Original recipe Tomato Bombs

2 large ripe tomatoes
2 tbs vegan cream cheese (I used blue cheese by Redwoods foods)
1 garlic clove finely chopped
8 large black olives chopped
1 tbs good olive oil (walnut or avocado oil may work well too?)
1 tsp finely chopped parsley
1 tsp oregano
salt & pepper

1. put cheese, garlic, oil, olives, herbs and seasoning into a bowl and add the tomato juice you collected and mix. (I put my cheese in in cubes..I am sure the cream cheese would crank the intensity of flavour up a notch..learn from my mistakes people)
2. stuff into the tomatoes
3. serve

I got a little creative and made two other mixtures to stuff the other tomatoes with.

Spinach & mushroom tomato bombs (my favourite!)

1 cup of frozen spinach (defrosted) or cook fresh and allow to cool
5 large chestnut mushrooms (approx 100g)
1 tbs nutritional yeast
1 tbs sunflower seeds toasted
1/3 tsp garlic powder
1/3 tsp white pepper
1/3 tsp salt

1. put all of the ingredients with the exception of the seeds into a bowl and mix well. With a hand blender blend 80% of the mix..what you are aiming for is a puree with a few small coarse chunks of mushrooms running through.
2.mix in the seeds and stuff mixture into prepared tomatoes.

Note: it is said that spinach needs to be consumed with Vitamin C for optimal iron absorption. Toms have lots of it so they make a good combo.

Spicy tomato bombs

Remaining tomato innards chopped
5 sweet piquante peppers (Peppadew in a jar - hot variety) roughly chopped
2 tbs bread crumbs (I used gluten free by Hale & Hearty..they are so good I eat spoonfuls of them!)
1 tbs good olive oil (you can also use rapeseed as the nutty flavour works well)
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp agave
salt & pepper

1.put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix gently
2. stuff the mixture into your patiently waiting prepared tomatoes.

They are great on their own as a starter or served with vegetable-infused brown rice and green salad for a main/entree.

Yum!  They're the BOMB!

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chow vegan said...

Love the different fillings for each one! So summery! :-)

Betsy DiJulio said...

Those are the bomb!


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