Training Courses


C and C++ Courses

In addition to the customised and workshop offerings mentioned above, we can provide generic training courses.  For example, in the C++ and C programming languages, we can offer courses at all levels.  Introductory couses include:

These courses can be configured to a customer's exact requirements.

More advanced C++ courses are available to follow-on from these introductions.   These will typically include more breadth and depth in their treatment of C++ topics such as the C++ Standard Library - with its Standard Template Library (STL) components.   Such training will also normally add some treatment of topics related to the usage of the language, such as the use of C++ to implementat Design Patterns.

Thus, beyond the basics, we can produce and deliver tailor-made training programs in these and related technologies.   Over the years, for example, we have produced material on a range of C++ topics, always tracking the progress of the language standard, and the evolution in usage styles. If a customer wishes training for developers who are planned to maintain legacy C++ code, we can provide this; and if they wanted material on the latest Standard (C++11, aka C++0x) we can provide this too. We have also produced material on related subjects, such as use of the Boost libraries.

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