Monday, August 29, 2011

It would be very convenient for Alex Salmond if al-Megrahi were to just disappear

Above:  screenprint.

Alex Salmond on BBC News 24 talking about how al-Megrahi was not going to be recalled to Scotland to explain why he has not died yet.  Alex Salmond also said the convicted mass murderer should "now" be allowed to die in peace.  I am sure it would be very convenient for Alex Salmond if al-Megrahi were to just disappear without any awkward questions being asked.

Interestingly, in the interview Alex Salmond sort of admitted to deals being made with the former Libyan regime, but implied it was all done by Tony Blair.

Alex Salmond also said that he had no doubt that Megrahi was guilty.

Above:  article in yesterday's Observer said that the mainstream media is uninterested in Scottish affairs and the Scottish media is too weak.  Presumably this is why Alex Salmond gets such an easy ride.  Not sure what the article meant by "current relations between our dirst minister, the supreme court and the lord advocate" - what is going on there?

Above:  article in last week's Independent revealed (almost as an aside) that there has been a steep rise in racist attacks in Scotland - coinciding with the rise to power of a Scottish Nationalist administration.  This is unsurprising.  The SNP do not (yet) have an agenda of overt racism, but they do continually tell the Scottish people they are special (which obviously implies other people are not special - it's not hard to see how this is going to work in the minds of impressionable people). 

Despite their protests of pan-European solidarity the SNP administration has also implemented a discriminatory policy in higher education, imposing higher charges on the basis of national origin (one of the first acts of the German administration 1933-45 was to force non-German people out of higher education). 

But somehow Alex Salmond gets away with this.

Hugh Muir seems entirely uninterested in what happens north of the border.

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