eBook Torrents

August 17, 2008 at 5:18 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments
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Organic Chemistry 5th Edition (2008 ) Brown, Foote, Iverson - TORRENT
Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity (7th Ed.) Kotz et al. - TORRENT

College Physics 7th Edition Serway  - TORRENT

The rest of the ebook torrents: http://thepiratebay.org/search/aznballa161/

Please seed.


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  1. Thank you so much for these textbooks. You have single handedly saved me about 500 bucks this semester.

    Any chance of upping the solutions manual to organic chemistry 5th ed. brown??

  2. Thank you so very much. Don’t mean to be an absolute bother, but would you happen to have Chemistry: A Molecular Approach (Nivaldo Jose Tro) or know where I could get it? Please and thank you

  3. Hey thanks a LOT for the ochem book. Any chance you’ve got the solutions manual as well?

  4. hey, like the other person ahead of me, is it ok for you to upload Organic Chemistry 5th ed solutions manual by Iverson? Thanks a lot

  5. trying to find the solutions manual! 😦

  6. Hey i’m glad that you remembered how difficult it can be to have to pay for any college textbook, but i was trying to get my hands on College Physics 8th Edition Young&Geller and i see that you already uploaded it to piratebay but i can’t find anyone who has it up (seeds)….can you help me out, could u put into a megaupload or Rapidshare download link…hit me up

  7. hi, would you happen to have the solutions manual for College Physics (7th Serway) for chapter 1-14? Or if you have a pdf version of the College Physics 8th Edition by Serway that would really be awesome. I would be willing to pay for the 8th edition. THanks

  8. Hi… I was wondering if you could put up the eBooks for Organic Chemistry 5th Ed. by Brown, Foote and Iverson as well as the solutions manual. The torrents are not working. Please get back to me ASAP, I really need them! Thanks!

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