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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Social Anxiety and Dating

Social Anxiety and Dating, what a scary thought! Social anxiety and the thought of meeting people is scary enough, but when you add in the fact that you might like someone and want to make a good impression, dating can be above and beyond anxiety and turn into a full blown panic attack.

Practicing good strategies for meeting people is a great place to start. Good eye contact, smiling, learning small talk... Above all Stop Those Negative Thoughts!!!! Choose first date activities wisely. It might be better to go to an amusement park where there's lots of activities and things to do and talk about, rather than a quiet intimate dinner.

For those with social anxiety, it is very hard to meet people to practice good strategies. My suggestion earlier was to begin small, like with social networking sites online. Not so much to actually meet anyone in person from those sites, but to practice conversing.

It's a very scary thought to choose to get better, but it is so freeing, and it feels good. Good luck on your successful journey!


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