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Galileo at the time was suffering from some financial hardships and had hoped to get a salary increase for his work at the University of Padua on behalf of the Venetian government. He placed some hope if he managed to improve on the design of the telescope, he could receive a raise.

Candy Eash

This is a great article! My favorite, by far!

In the short amount of time that I've been following this I've seen Open Access scholarship seep into the mainstream in spite of the resistance. I have a feeling this will be much like the Irish Revolution. The flood gates for the final stages of a revolution were opened with the proclamation of a Declaration of Independence by a select group of men who bravely signed the document. These men were executed as a warning to anyone who wanted to join the Resistance. This, however, backfired because the people saw the injustice, revolted with greater fervor, and ushered in the Republic of Ireland, with the executed men being immortalized as great visionaries and as martyrs.

The issue today is the same as it was then, people have defined themselves by these structures. Britain, and the religious leaders of Galileo, defined what and who they were by the control they had. When an identity is challenged, normally by a visionary who views things differently, people become disconcerted. If they can no longer identify themselves as the way they have established they become as pigeons on a wire that flutter when they are hit or disturbed. These ideas have struck a nerve in the academic populace because they strike at the core foundation by which they identify what and who they are. I like that you are trying to help others understand that this structure, this foundation, is not crumbling but being made more stable and of greater import by allowing it to support a larger portion of the worlds scholars.

People such as Galileo and the men of the revolution, who see a vision of what could be made possible by rallying the masses, will open the flood gates to this cause for us today. And the opposing people and institutions will one day turn around and realize progression happened in spite of their efforts to restrain it. And the scholars they oppressed will be the ones left standing for the academic masses to follow -- because they will be the only ones with the knowledge of how to employ the vision, because they are the ones who took the time to gaze long enough to have seen it.

Thanks for the post.

Matthew R. Lee

Excellent article! Well done. If only those who resist the concepts of Open Source would open their minds to the positive possibilities rather than listening to their fears. Is the lost of perceived stature, the false sense of control, or linking a dollar amount to every discovery worth the price? Do they realize the high cost of gratifying their pride and vain ambitions?

Many act as if knowledge is a limited resource that will some how lose value if disseminated in a non-traditional format. Again, excellent article.

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