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9 Panel MRF SL Pres/Prec Plot for Europe
MODEL Avn MRF TYPE Norm Inv TIME 9panel
PLOT 500mb Hght/SL Pres SL Pres/Prec 1000 mb 850 mb 700 mb 500 mb 300 mb Rel Hum/Show 4 Panel
9 Panel MRF SL Pres/Prec Plot for Europe

The sea level pressure and precipitation forecast chart includes three parameters: sea level pressure (cyan lines), 1000-500 mb thickness (brown dotted lines, 5100, 5400, 5700 solid lines) and quantitative precipitation (color contours).

?Unisys Corp. 2001
- For questions and information on this server, NOAAPORT and WXP, contact Dan Vietor at devo@ks.unisys.com
- For sales information on Unisys weather solutions, contact Robert Benedict at robert.benedict@unisys.com

- Last modified June 21, 2002