دار الإفتاء المصرية – The Egyptian Islamic Legislation Authority

 Quote from Egyptian Chronicles, the space of Zeinobia,

 This is the official Dar-Efta site in Egypt , the highest Islamic and sole official board to issue fatwas (Islamic Law interpritations), i.e the Supreme Islamic Judicial Authority or the organisation that refers and measures against the islamic law (sharia). 

The Dar El-Efta is headed by the grand Mofty of the Egyptian land Dr. Ali Gomaa , an Excellent man despite that some of his fatwas may raise debates like the statues and so on…

This multi-lingual site supports English,French, German and Spanish translations of course with  arabic.

If you need any fatwa ,or any question you have about the Islamic practices what is wrong and right, what is favourable and what is not, you can ask online and the answer will be available online after 48 hours only.

It is guranteed ,I already tried it.

I personally know Dr. Ali Gomaa since he was the imam (cleric) of the Sultan Hassan Mosque, and he is a really good man that really inspired people with his speeches full of hope and reason and I was happy to see him at the top of the Islamic Judicial institution in Egypt… At least something was going right nowadays.

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12 Responses to دار الإفتاء المصرية – The Egyptian Islamic Legislation Authority

  1. no says:

    Ahmed jazak Allah khair I will use the tel number in the Ifta website I am hoping that someone will be able to answer my questions…
    am now feeling better Alhamdulellah…it\’s only the pain in our hearts and frozen tears in our eyes of what\’s happening in Lebanon under the noses of the "honorable" Arab leaders…
    Allah will punish them for taking the silent shade and for not acting promptly to rescuing their brothers and sisters in a neighboring Muslim country…
    Ironically , histroy sometimes repeats itself, "do as you wish to be done" will always be a good reminder for the leaders who are watching the "BE DONE" to the Arab world….and are not even taking any chances "TO DO"…
    " what goes around…comes around"
    wa 7asbona Allah wa ne3mal wakeel…
    Albaqa2 lellah….fil 3orooba wa ta7ya elwe7da el3arabeyya..3ala ra2y 3adel Imam fi "Shahed mashafsh 7aga"…we have all become this blind withness…handicapped with love for ourselves…deaf mute with the Loud sirens of war…so retarded that we dont even what\’s really in our favor…and what\’s not!
    It;s like having an abscess….and just waiting for it to heal on its own rather than open it up…incise…drain and disinfect!
    The Ugly Abscess that has been implanted in the Heart of the Arab world has turned chronic…and it is about TIME to get it Surgically removed alltogether with the surrounding tissue and debrit…to make sure NO RECURRENCE after that!
    wel 7ede2 yefham!
    we sallemli 3ala gam3et eddowal!

  2. no says:

    Ahmed that was me MOLY on that previous comment on Ifta numbers and El w7da el3arabeyya…donno why this thing refuses to add my name! fix it!

  3. Unknown says:

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  5. rose says:

    can anyone give me some advice on muslim marriage

  6. Unknown says:

    Where is your islamic website, I was hoping to find Quran recitation, tafseer and syrah. I couldn\’t find anything or any Isalmic website that belongs to Egypt………….I feel very disappointed.

  7. nary says:

    I don\’t have money to take my husband to court. Therefore I am taking a benefit from the government to assist me to obtain what is rightfully from my ex-husband. I have two sons which provide me 200 a month to spend on myself. However, such an amount is not sufficient in the country I reside. In addition, I was married for 25 years to my ex-husband and over that time period we became extremely wealthy through the creation of a business. While I was in Egypt on visit and an escape from my ex-husbands physical and emotional abuse he went behind my back to a mosque and divorced me and didn\’t give me what should have been rightfully mine as his wife and the mother of his two sons. Therefore, I have pursed a court case against him. However, I need to know if I can lie in court and state that my sons are not giving me 200 a month spending money? I am asking because if I tell the truth my legal benefits will discontinue and if I lie I will be able to purse my court case against my ex-husband. I\’m a 55 year old lady with eplisy, I can not drive, I do not speak the language of the country and I can not work. I am writing this on behalf of a friend and this is what she would like to know. Thank you and i look forward to your response.

  8. أحمد بهنسي says:

    حلفت بالطلاق أثناء خلاف بين أخ معي في السكن بالغربة لمعاملاته الغريبة والرغبة في فصل المعامله والمعيشة معه وللأسف حلفت باليمن أثناء غضبي بعد ذلك تدخل زملائنا في العمل وتم الصلح فيما بيننا
    أرجو التكرم الرد بخصوص ذلك اليمين
    وجزاكم الله خيراً

  9. تامر says:

    ما قيمة زكاة الفطر هذا العام

  10. hosni amr says:

    when the divorced woman can marry with her own without wali

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