It’s launch day for Social Paranoia: How Consumers and Brands Can Stay Safe in a Connected World (non-fiction)!

It’s launch day for Social Paranoia: How Consumers and Brands Can Stay Safe in a Connected World (non-fiction)!

“ Snowman love. From Married To The Sea.
This is fantastically hilarious moment in Steven Universe, and I couldn’t believe it wasn’t already a reaction gif.
You’re welcome, internet.

This is fantastically hilarious moment in Steven Universe, and I couldn’t believe it wasn’t already a reaction gif.

You’re welcome, internet.


Makes me laugh far to hard, I think I need a new spleen

I made a video for Channel Frederator and it’d be the bomb if you went and watched it (maybe like and comment too, so the chaps over there on their team think I’m super cool.)

Thanks a bunch. It’s entertaining, so I hope you fell like watching it anyway - rather than some laborious favour to me. (In future, if you hate everything I make, please ignore my pleas for you to watch/consume it, I’d never force you.)


Hello tumblr, I’m sorry we don’t talk that often. It really isn’t my intent, I still love you. I do. It’s just other things take up a lot of my time these days, and I’ve got a lot better at condensing my bile and vitriol into 140 characters (or sometimes three sets of 140 characters.) So understandably I don’t really have the time, material or inclination to write length passages for you as regularly as I did. Or indeed at all.

Listen. I need something from you again. Well, need is a strong word. I’d like to show you something. I’m posting it next, because I thought this needed to be said, but not as a caveat to a different, self-whoring post. Let’s face it, I only really come here to tell you about stuff I did on other websites and this is no different. But I want you to know I still care and I’ll always be here (until you’re shut down.) Maybe someday I’ll come write something worthwhile on you again…


Hello, Tumblr people that maybe forgot that I even exist!!

I’ve not posted a video to you guys in a while and I thought “What better time to do so than when I’ve just finished a Game of Thrones video on the day Game of Thrones Season 5 starts airing in the UK?” So here it is.

If you like it, maybe subscribe and/or go to my channel and watch the other videos I’ve put on there that maybe you haven’t seen since I last shared one of my videos with you guys?

I made a thing, cause this quote seemed too good to pass up. (Although I definitely took it in a slightly different context than what it actually is - i.e. teetotal = does not compute.)

I made a thing, cause this quote seemed too good to pass up. (Although I definitely took it in a slightly different context than what it actually is - i.e. teetotal = does not compute.)

If you want a design done, you could put out a job listing for a freelance position and have everyone that applies do a “test brief” design (which is the actual design job you want) then pick the best one, tell everyone they didn’t get the position and - if it’s an internal use design - never tell anyone where it came from. Repeat ad infinitum.

Suddenly my job search efforts make so much sense.