Chocolate survey


if you have not voted, please do so               click here for the survey

the results are below, so please answer before reading


here are the chocolate survey results so far, here they are

bite                                                               35%

melt                                                              18%

a combination of both 38%

it does not matter, give me more    8%


surprised? please comment

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4 Responses to “Chocolate survey”

  1. adisababa Says:

    interesting that people do not choose to make the real choice, but prefer a moderate one. i guess that is the effect of chocolate
    perhaps one should use chocolate in negotiations to pacify the other side

  2. Navot Says:

    When you have a strawberry filling, you must, first, bite it and only then melt it. Its like with a good Whisky – you have to add a small touch of water to “open” it.
    As for the “first bite” see also the web link provided:)

  3. ophirk Says:

    WordPress now have built-in polls you can use in the blog.

  4. adisababa Says:

    the wordpress ones are rudimentary, one page if i am not mistaken. will use them when one page suffices. and the integration is nice. but survey monkey is better

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