National Day Parade 2011 – In A Heartbeat

The below National Day music video showcasing ex-MediaCorp host Sharon Au was aired on television, sometime in early June. For a moment, I thought this year’s NDP seems foreign to me. As told a female friend, I do not understand it at all. She told me to watch NDP show first.

This year’s NDP tagline is about Singapore Spirit.

I was thankfully given a chance to attend National Day Parade 2011 held at the Marina Bay Floating Platform on Tuesday. I was sitting in the blue sector. For this year, NDP Show was presented in the form of a musical about a mother’s unwavering love for her son, despite economic and landscape changes in Singapore over the years.

It was until musical act 4 at NDP and hearing the song; the moment I saw the Mother (Sharon Au) passing away on the electronic giant screen on stage, my tears somewhat started to flow down my cheeks. It pulled a heartstring. I began to think about how my mother cared for me during those 15 days after my cochlear implant surgery.

From a parent’s perspective, it is about a mother’s solid love for her son, as years passed by. In her eyes, her daughter or son are forever a baby, no matter how grown up they are.

Happy 46th Birthday, Singapore.


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