Home > Uncategorized > President Bush promises “military quarantine” in the event of “bird flu” epidemic! What’s up?

President Bush promises “military quarantine” in the event of “bird flu” epidemic! What’s up?

Al Cuppett
US Army & Action Officer, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Retired)
366 Graves Mill Rd
Madison, VA 22727

4 Oct 2005

SUBJECT: President Bush promises “military quarantine” in the event of “bird flu” epidemic! What’s up?

Today, 4 October 2005, President Bush promised he would use “the military” to quarantine people if we have an epidemic of “Avian Influenza”. That probably will mean a “Red Alert” and martial law!   

But wait a minute!! By next year we’ll most likely be deployed into Iran and there’ll be not a single US combat troop in the CONUS! So who will the “military” be?? It’ll the troops that Don Rumsfeld promised, like in January 2004, to use “if we are overextended”!!  (To wit, the 101st Airborne Div has apparently deployed to Iraq; thus further overextending our manpower.) Let’s first look at this Iraq mess:

(1)   That’s a poor use of airborne troops; using them as “straight leg” infantry – UNLESS we are desperate and short handed. Are we???  Or we’re sending them to Iran – soon….

(2)   And where is the artillery support for the current operation searching for insurgents? The artillery, our “force multiplier”, since the Islamic thugs don’t have any, is mostly all back in the states; while our guys slug it out with the insurgents “one-on-one”, building to building! That’s how you get troops killed!! For you civilians, when a patrol finds a nest of “insurgents” you just pull back, hunker down, and have the FO (forward observer) call the “fire base” and drop a couple of 155mm rounds on target. Dust and hamburger follows! Immediately! That ends the “insurgents”. But no, “they” are sending our guys in there, door-to-door and that gets them killed! The UN is running this war to kill our troops!! Doesn’t anybody see what the Sam Hill is happening!!!???   

Back to Rumsfeld and the “Bush Quarantine”. Don’t argue “words” with me!! Rumsfeld said it!!! He said he’ll use UN troops if we’re over extended. In this case, UN troops to quarantine the USA. Like quarantine you and me!! He said it himself. So we’ll have martial law with the UN cops and troops “pulling guard duty”. Moreover, they have lists of names on “Red and Blue” lists! Right now!! Most of you don’t know how many UN troops are here. There are thousands of them in the LA, MS, AL area right now; some you have seen on TV/read about. And more are hidden all across the USA!     

Think folks!!!

 My Jewish friends make Aliyah!! NOW!!

Al Cuppett

(Alexander B. Cuppett)

P.S. Some wag will say, “We’re running the war right!” We are?? OK, then how come the Marines all deployed on 20 March 2003 into the desert wearing GREEN uniforms? The greatest super power could not even get a can of beige Rustoleum spray paint to make the uniforms desert tan!! For you civilians, that means that our Marines were TARGETS in the desert in those GREEN bio-chemical uniforms. This is just the tip of the grossly mismanaged and “miss-run” Operation Iraqi Freedom iceberg.  Like I said in 2003, we can’t win this war. We weren’t supposed to! It was to get more troops overseas!!! It’s also worse than Vietnam because these people are suicidal! At least the VC and the NVA didn’t use suicide bombers! They “wired” kids with bombs, but they themselves didn’t want to take a one-way trip to the Devil’s hell.   


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