Adding SoundCloud oEmbed Support To WordPress 3

WordPress 3 is awesome.

One of my new favorite features is auto-embedding (I suppose it’s been around since 2.9 but whatever).

Unfortunately, while I was trying to embed a SoundCloud mix I was listening to, I noticed it wasn’t working for SoundCloud. The page on WordPress’ Trac for class-oembed.php suggests that SoundCloud should be supported, but the code wasn’t in my version of the file, and I didn’t feel like upgrading, so I just used the wp_oembed_add_provider() function to add support for SoundCloud auto-embedding.

Here’s my code:

wp_oembed_add_provider( ‘*/*’, ‘’);

If you want to support more than just the format, you’ll have to look at this page on their GitHub.

Hope that helps you! It sure worked for me 🙂

4 Replies to “Adding SoundCloud oEmbed Support To WordPress 3”

    1. Hey Marco,

      I’m pretty sure this is fixed in the latest versions of WP, so the best solution would probably be to update your codebase. That said, I added it right near the other oEmbed codes, you can do a simple search to find out where that happens.
      Good luck!

  1. Hey Alex, thanks for this. When you say “by the other oembed codes” where precisely do you mean? Do you mean in wp-includes/class-ombed.php?

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