PPC Optimization in "Washington PPC"

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is the fastest growing area of online marketing. There are a number of reasons for this strong growth:

  1. It's Profitable. Some of our retail PPC customers enjoy ROI of more than 10 to 1.
  2. It’s Measurable. Unlike traditional advertising, all aspects of Pay Per Click advertising campaigns are tracked and readily available for analysis and refinement.
  3. It’s Fast. We can have you up and running with a PPC campaign in just a few days.
  4. It’s Everywhere. Pay Per Click advertising is expanding to radio, newspaper, cell phones, TV and other devices – campaigns can now be leveraged on these additional media.

PPC Optimizing Methodology - "Washington PPC"

PPC optimization campaigns can be used very effectively for both direct sales of products and lead generation.  The key to success can be found in the methodical research, set-up, monitoring and optimization of the PPC campaign.  We call our methodology "Washington PPC". Here are the steps we follow in the PPC optimization process:

  1. Conduct customer interviews to understand the business and goals of the campaign.
  2. Install a free analytics tool (Google Analytics) on the site to monitor traffic and conversion information.
  3. Conduct competitive research to assess the market and PPC opportunities.
  4. Conduct extensive keyword research to identify the keywords with the highest profit potential.
  5. Write Ad copy that reflects the goals of the campaign and are optimized for performance.
  6. Re-write web page copy to correlate with Ad copy
  7. Create pay-per-click ad campaigns by entering keyword groups and maximum keyword bids into the desired PPC platforms: Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing and Microsoft AdCenter.
  8. Monitor campaign progress daily and adjust bids as necessary
  9. Conduct constant A-B ad testing to optimize ad copy for highest conversion
  10. Revisit and refine with Washington PPC methodology

Optimized PPC yields Success

Successful Pay Per Click campaigns rely heavily on the analysis and monitoring of PPC ad campaign data.  AdSynergies has very successfully rehabilitated many PPC campaigns that were under-performing and brought them quickly to profitability.

Fill out the form for a free PPC Optimization consultation and comprehensive online marketing optimization assessment.


Pay Per Click Campaigns

Search Engine Optimization

Total Marketing Solution