Expand Your Heart


Most yoga classes begin and end with the hands in Anjali Mudra (prayer position). In Zen Yoga classes we finish by placing our hands in Anjali Mudra over our heart centre, with lips to fingertips. A physical gesture of union, symbolic of the union of our individual self and the universal self. We do this in salutation to the divine spirit within us, and as a reminder that our practice is a form prayer or offering to our divine and true self.

Holding this gesture and infusing it with the intention of union, allows for a shift to take place within our mind and our heart. This shift, a  moment of experiencing our true self, is often referred to as ‘opening’ or ‘expanding’ the heart. In which we are aware of the universal consciousness and interconnectedness of all beings and things in this universe, and of others. As spiritual seekers of “self realisation” our goal is to maintain this state of awareness, in every breath and waking moment. And it is easier said than done, as anybody who has tried to stay present when the universe hands it to them knows.

Whether we are watching the sunrise, noticing the beauty of a tiny flower or insect, meditating, stuck in traffic or hanging out the washing, the potential for heart expansion is always there. Contained within every moment, a magical, thought provoking experience is waiting for us. When our mind is still, the experience takes us. It can be a bit like Alice, looking around for the first time after tumbling down the rabbit hole. Somewhere below the endless passage of self-thoughts and the thinking mind is a vast enlightened wisdom, showing us in this way, and showing us in that way, that our perceptions of the world, our-self  and everybody else, are fundamentally empty. 

Meditating on the great teaching of enlightened heart wisdom, also known as the Heart Sutra teaches us that,

form is no other than emptiness, and emptiness no other than form.

The Heart Sutra is a powerful mantra, said to relieve all suffering. It also points to a much deeper meaning behind self-less-ness. When we think of a person as being selfless we are generally acknowledging within them attributes of compassion, kindness, generosity thoughtfulness, goodness and egolessness. These attributes, mixed together with a still mind, create the necessary ingredients for expanding the heart. A selfless person is often referred to as being “all heart”. The more open our heart is, the more self-less we become.

Selflessness liberates us from our attachment to our perceptions of the world, our-self and everybody else. This liberation, or state of being free is called nirvana. All beings have the potential to attain liberation, a state of lasting happiness, in which they real-ise (make real) their inherent true nature.

May you real-ise your perfection.

Peace, blessings and heartfulness,

Elfeya Hoopes

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