Why Martha Stewart Went to Jail

Ok, this topic may seem so “yesterday” to some, and elementary to others, but I for one just found out why Martha Stewart went to Jail. Of course, this information is futile in eternal life matters, but I believe it is important to educate yourself as best as possible in order to be able to have meaningful conversations about current and past events. It was explained to me by the former president of a multi-million dollar corporation, Tom B. This guy knows stocks. Ok, let’s begin with the obvious: we all know it had something to do with stocks. Basically, Ms. Stewart owned stocks in a company. She was recieving “insider information” from that company. Because of the secret info she was recieving, she knew when to buy and when to sell to make the most money. That is an unfair and illegal practice called insider trading (see link on insider information). It is unfair because the rest of the investors have to play the stock market, and hope they make the right decision. But with the info only she was recieving, she knew for sure when to make certain moves. So, in laymens terms, that is why Martha Stewart went to jail. For a deeper explaination, check out this article.

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Filed under Current and Past Events

One response to “Why Martha Stewart Went to Jail

  1. beth

    So why did she get put in jail????

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