Archive for the ‘Events in Droitwich’ Category

St Richards Day, Droitwich Spa

May 1, 2010

May 1st 12 noon
Droitwich Spa Town Centre

Taken from the Pamela May Narrowboat, looking along the Droitwich Canal.

 children’s games at one end of Vines Park

The classic cars were wonderful for quality and quantity.

There was not much you could not buy at one market or another

Including the Italian

A super market and event for Droitwich Spa, well supported even though the weather was not brilliant, it was dry. Well done Janet Yates and team from WDC economic development for organising a great day.


Council Business Lunch – Droitwich Spa

April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15th – 12 noon
St Andrews Hotel, St Andrews Drive, Droitwich

This lunch follows on from ones held in Evesham and Pershore. The idea being to encourage greater dialogue between council and businesses in and around our major town’s. It also introduces business to other companies and possible venues for meetings and gatherings.

At the start of the meeting I said a few words and laid out the structure for the lunch.

Thank you all for coming.

  1. Clearly a strong local economy helps us all and we have an extremely competent team at WDC to help and advise companies. 
  2. WDC are good at talking to residents and we would like to expand our communication with local companies.
  3. This lunch is informal, no minutes, opportunity to hear first hand how we can help each other. Talk to other business as well as WDC.
  4. We can’t to do every thing…Let shops…business rates…hardship issues.
  5. Business is a moving beast and we are in difficult times so we should be able to be available to help each other.
  6. A few ideas for discussion on the tables. We want to hear from you.
  7. Business pressures please, no agenda, no timescale, if you need to leave that’s fine.
    Thank you

Some of the suggested topics were:-
How do the following effect you from a business perspective
Brine Experience
Business Support
Transport Links
Droitwich canal
Internet connection / New technology
Working Together
Media Campaign for Droitwich?
Bring together business Clubs
Employment in Droitwich
How is the council doing?

 I was pleased with the lunch. Much discussion took place and our officers and my fellow councillors got some good feedback.
Pershore Business Lunch – Click here
Evesham Business Lunch – Click here

Droitwich South East – Ward Awareness Visit

April 12, 2010

Monday April 12th 1.00pm
Meet at Spring Meadow Public House, Primsland Way, Droitwich

Organised by Cllr Richard Morris, this visit involved a complete tour of the ward. Being mostly residential, there was not an oppertunity to visit a school or club or organisation because there are none on the ward. So Richard decided to give us a guided tour and show us some of the issues that concern his constituents.

Droitwich South East Ward
Ward awareness session with the Chairman of Wychavon DC Cllr Andy Dyke and consort Cllr Mrs Wendy Dyke.
1-3.30pm 12th April 2010
Meet @ 1pm at the Spring Meadow public house, Primsland Way
Drink and overview of session – Leave car in car park
Walk to Primsland shops and doorstep Green
Drive to Gorse Close and Water Tower
Drive to Swallow Place – fields to be built on
Drive to Hawthorn walk – Open land and bollards
Drive to Alder Grove junction and walk through to Rebekah Gardens
Drive to Rebekah Gardens – retaining wall & fields
Afternoon cuppa at ‘Chez Morris’.
Return to car via
Copcut Park, Medals office

Her are some photographs of the ward

The Spring Meadow, one of one two pubs in the ward.

Richard with Wendy.

Gorse Close and the water tower

Here, Richard is pointing out the huge areas in his ward that could be affected by SWJCS housing plans.

Rebekah Gardens and the retaining wall.

The view looking over Droitwich from the top.

Copcut Park. Although pat of the ward, the land here is owned by Droitwich Town Council. To the left of here and over the road, is a large lake. Richard wants it dredged and cleared of rubbish as it is a bit of an eyesore and health hazard. Good luck Richard.

Another part of Copcut Park and Richard sits on the bench he raised the money to buy and install.
The afternoon concluded with a cup of tea at Richards house, before he returned us to our car. A really useful, entertaining and informative visit. Thank you Richard.

Mayor of Droitwich Charity Ball

March 18, 2010

March 19th 7.30pm
Chateau Impney Hotel, Droitwich

Cllr Mrs Maureen Lawley, Mayor of Droitwich, hosted a splendid night full of merriment and made a considerable sum for her supported charities.

Cllr Maureen Lawley, Mayor of Droitwich Spa

The ever popular ‘Heads and Tails’

The ball was very well supported

Fellow members our table ‘chain gang’

After an excellent dinner and the all important raffle, what better than to dance the night away and lose some calories!
Well done Maureen, another great night.

Ward Walk – Chawson Estate, Droitwich

February 17, 2010

February 17th 12 noon
Meeting at Church car Park, Blake Avenue, Droitwich

During my year as chairman I want to visit every ward in the district. Councillor Wendy Carter arranged this visit. Wendy, along with Cllr Mrs Stephanie Vale,  is the member for Droitwich Spa South West.
Each year and sometimes more often, a walkabout is arranged to pick up on issues within the ward. Representatives from all local councils, the housing association, contractors and other interested parties attend the walkabout.

It was about as bad a day as it could be. Very cold and wet

The discussion here related to vehicles travelling round the bollards and turning the grass to mud.

As if by magic, one of the culprits arrives.

The highlighted problem here, is the tree in the background. It has overgrown to such an extent as to be blocking the light from the street lamp. It is also covering the sensor, which means the light is on all the time, wasting money and energy.

Cllr Wendy Carter with town councillor Edgar Harwood

The problem here is parking on the grass verge.

Flytipping, dog poo and litter are a constant battle. Generally, the estate is well looked after. The problems highlighted by todays walk will be looked into and work to fix the issue put into the schedule.
I enjoyed the walk very much, even though it was extremely cold. We then had a tour of the rest of the ward by car, ending up at St Andrews Hotel for a light bar lunch. An excellent ward visit. I learnt a lot. Thank you.

Chairman’s Christmas Walkabout

December 9, 2009

December 9th starting at 9.30am
Droitwich and Evesham One Stop Shop’s followed at 2.00pm with a walk round the offices of the Civic Centre

The mood was certainly jolly, with most departments decorating their offices, as the pictures show.

Manager and Staff at Droitwich

Evesham, also home to the Police, Job Centre Plus and Evesham Town Council 

Decorations going up

Manager and staff of Evesham

Evesham Town Council town clerk, Frank Green with council staff members Keeley and Carole. Decorations, still in the planning stage!

Jim Burgin and team from Heritage

The sports development department, well 2 of them

HR and payroll section

A very enjoyable walk round our 3 main centres. Sorry if we missed you, please have a fabulous Christmas and a peaceful and happy 2010

Visit to Westlands First School, Droitwich

November 24, 2009

November 24th 11am
Westlands First school, Droitwich

On September 25th this year I attended the 40th anniversary of Westlands and was impressed by the staff and pupils at this school. On that day, I was tight for time, as we had other functions to attend. I requested a return visit, to see more of the school ‘in use’ and see how a white board works.

Westlands First School main entrance

Lynne Duffy, councillor and school governor, Headteacher Julie Millard and Kallam. The white board is quite amazing and really helps the children learn in a fun way. You can do all sorts of things with it.

Thanks for letting me come back. I very much enjoyed the visit and congratulations on a wonderful atmosphere in a very special school.



Droitwich Spa Older Peoples Forum AGM

October 30, 2009

October 30th 10.00am
Droitwich Spa Community Centre, Heritage Way, Droitwich Spa

Mr Ian Parkhill opened the proceedings with his chairman’s report and then various committee members gave their reports on what had been a very eventful and full year. Discussion, questions, election of new Chairman and committee for 2009/10 followed. After a short break we were treated to a very interesting talk about energy conservation in the home and advice was given on home delivery of frozen meals. IMG_0137

Cllr Mrs Mary Drinkwater, Vice Chairman of Worcestershire County Council outside the centre.


Members arrive


and take their seats.

A most interesting meeting from a very important organisation in Droitwich Spa.



Skillsmart Presentation – Droitwich Spa

October 21, 2009

October 20th 6.00pm
Rossinis Restaurant, Worcester Road, Droitwich Spa

The second survey presentation in Wychavon by Skillsmart Retail. As a result of work done By Advantage West Midlands, a survey was carried out of local independent retailers. This survey, which included test mystery shoppers and many points effecting retailers all over Droitwich Spa, produced really useful advice for retailers and rewards for those that did particularly well.

Skill D3

Rossinis restaurant


Civic and business leaders, gather for the presentation and excellent buffet

Skill D7

Third place winner, with over 94% was
The Gift Box

Skill D8

Second place also with over 94% went to
Blunts Shoes

Skill D9

And first prize, with over 96% went to
The Belt and Bag Shop

A really good, worthwhile excercise. Thanks to AWM and Skillsmart for all their help.

Also taking part were Business Link and For Droitwich Spa


Westlands 40th Birthday Party – September 25th

September 29, 2009

September 25th was a busy day – Function Four 4.30pm
Westland’s First School, Droitwich.
This visit is a result of my request to visit every ward in WDC during my Chairman’s year. Invitation by Cllr Mrs Lynne Duffy


As soon as I Wendy and I arrived, down to a bit of drumming


a promising student 🙂


View across the playground at the back of the school


look a little to the right and we see W.A.N.D.S childrens centre


The big red bus was very popular


Inside the children’s work was proudly displayed.
A lovely school, with lovely pupils and staff. I shall look forward to the promised return invitation.