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Revenues & Benefits
Mosaic (Experian) Property Profiling Extract Extract of property details from Northgate in accordance with Experian property profiling requirements.

Four files are output containing address and arrears details, address and benefit/discount indicator details, address and payment method details, and address and number of benefit claimant details.
Revenues & Benefits
Single Person Discount Validation Report Performs a match against Northgate Council Tax and Northgate Benefits to identify the accounts that have been awarded a Single Person Discount but more than 1 adult exists in Benefits, and identify those accounts that a Single Person Discount may apply.

Process is date driven to restrict the amount of historic data that is compared.
Schedule 5 Tax Credits Act 2002 Data Extract for HMRC Extract of Housing Benefit payment details to all individuals for a given tax year in accordance with the HMRC requirements.
Link to HMRC-Data-Extract-From-Northgate-Benefits-Specification.pdf  View (76KB PDF)
Overpayment Extract and Reporting for HBRF and Monitoring Abstract extract of Housing Benefit overpayment data for a given user defined period. Output is loosely based on HBRF requirements and data files split for new overpayments created, overpayment recovery amounts, overpayment write offs and overpayment details outstanding.

Additional fields of data can be output to allow authorities to monitor particular overpayment values (for example pended overpayments).

Data output in comma separate value files to allow easy manipulation and is individual transaction based rather than as totals only.

Information can be used to submit HBRF totals.

Claim Monitoring Report Extract of calculations performed within a given period. Main purpose is to provide a simple data extract that will allow local authority to target individual user performance, target accuracy or monitor workload performance.

Report is intended to provide day-to-day statistics to the local authority and allow workload adjustments to maintain good performance, rather than basing the information on fully historic data obtained via the SHBE extracts.

This module can be offered in a trial version at a low cost.
Link to Northgate-Benefits-Claim-Monitoring-Report-Specification.pdf  View (65KB PDF)
Suspended Claims Report Simple report of claims suspended within a given week, giving claim and suspension details for the appropriate claim part.
Benefit Summary Letters As a result of the complexity of standard Benefit notification letters the summary letters are intended to reduce the avoidable contacts from claimants and payees who simply wish to know how much benefit is being paid and when to expect the next payment. The summary letters provide the local authority the ability to set up the wording exactly as required and output certain values that are selected directly from the database.

The solution has been intentionally designed to allow a high level of customer flexibility without a heavy price tag.

This module can be offered in a trial version at a low cost.
Link to Northgate-Benefits-Summary-Notification-Specification.pdf  View (88KB PDF)
Housing Benefit Overpayment Aged Debt Analysis Extract of overpayment data stored within Northgate Benefits to show analysis of opening amounts, recoveries, write offs, amounts passed to debtors and housing, and amounts currently outstanding by original year of debt.

The outstanding balances at the start of the year are captured and then statistics can be analysed for a given user defined period within the current year for amounts recovered, written off, passed to either sundry debtors or housing relating to those captured debts.

The main purpose of the process is to allow authorities to calculate a provision for bad debt as well as monitor overpayment recovery performance.
Available on Request
Debtors Overpayment Aged Debt Analysis Extract of overpayment data stored within Northgate Debtors to show analysis of opening amounts, repayments, manual adjustments, amounts passed back to Northgate Benefits, and amounts currently outstanding by original year of debt.

The outstanding balances at the start of the year are captured and then statistics can be analysed for a given user defined period within the current year for amounts repaid, manual adjustments, and passed back to Northgate Benefits relating to those captured debts.

The main purpose of the process is to allow authorities to calculate a provision for bad debt as well as monitor overpayment recovery performance.
Available on Request
Debtors Missed Payment Report Report of debts within Northgate Debtors that have an arrangement and have an overdue payment based on the frequency of the arrangement. The invoice stages to be included in the report are locally defined.
Bank Payee Name Validation Report Report of mismatches within Northgate Benefits where the claimant or partner name does not match the name of the bank account attributed to the claimant payment scheme. The report only includes current claims paid by BACS and is intended to identify those claims where a potential fraud exists or temporary bank details were used at the claim commencement but that have not been amended.

The report is ordered by the severity of the mismatch in such a way that the most obvious mismatches are reported first.
Level of Ongoing Benefit Deduction Report Report of claims with an ongoing benefit deduction to highlight amounts that the authority may wish to review as a result of either the entitlement level or where the current benefit assessment includes an earnings allowance.

The main purpose of the report is to allow local authorities to maximise recovery performance through ongoing benefit deductions.
Infor FMS Creditors Interface Third party creditors interface to Infor Financial Management System.
Available on Request
Housing Benefit Overpayments at TBP Report Simple report of Benefit overpayments stuck at TBP (to be posted).
Housing Benefits Claimant Needs Survey Extract Extract of active claims - ideally with a household or income change - within a local authority chosen number of months. The household type is categorised as single claimant, single parent, or couple/other, and income type is categorised as state pension, JSA, income support, earnings or with disability benefits.

A comma separated data file is produced to allow the local authority to create mail merge documents for the survey, and a report is also produced for audit purposes of the selected claims.
LHA Claim Review Report (equivalent of clm339) The standard Northgate report of Claims Affected by Retrospective Change to LHA Rate – clm339 – has an unreadable output. This report selects the same data as the standard Northgate report but outputs it in a readable format.

The standard Northgate report has a known error in that the reported claims will continually be reported. As the purpose of this report is to replicate the Northgate functionality in a readable format this problem is repeated. Another version of the report identifies the claims that still require correcting
Excess Next Benefit Payment Amount Report Report of claims that have a next payment amount equal and above a parameterised value. The purpose of the report is to be able to review the claims prior to payment which should cut down on unnecessary overpayments.
Free School Meals Eligibility Extract Extract from Northgate Benefits of primary school age children whose parent/guardian qualifies for free school meals based on current income.

The extracted data can be compared to existing schools lists to identify those children who are not claiming free school meals as the school can still claim the allowance.
Debtors Report of Claimant Debts Not Set to Auto Recover Report of debtors within Northgate Debtors recoverable from the claimant but with the auto recover indicator removed. If the claimant successfully reapplies for Benefit in the future then the overpayment will not be automatically transferred back from Debtors in order to commence ongoing benefit deductions.
Debtors Report of Claimant Debts Active on New Claim Report of debtors within Northgate Debtors recoverable from the claimant where either the claimant or partner has successfully applied for Benefit at another address, and to which a new claim reference has been created. The main purpose of this report is to identify potential ongoing benefit deductions for old overpayments, as long as the household details are not significantly different.
Benefit Weekly Notification Export to Landlord Extract from Northgate Benefits of weekly entitlement values to a chosen landlord. This module provides similar functionality to the standard Northgate module rbe482 Provisional Entitlements Report however the standard module requires the claims to be set up to use the RSL Interface. The module is ideally suited to those local authorities that store the landlord reference against the HB Payment Scheme.
Non-Direct Debit Payer Extract and Mailshot An extract of Council Tax and/or Non Domestic Rates accounts that have a “cash” method of payment. A comma separated data file of the accounts is generated to allow a mail merge letter to be produced.
Swipecards Extract An extract file is produced of records where a payment card within Northgate Revenues has been requested. The extract complies with the standards prescribed by ALLPAY however the output can be tailored to match any payment card provider requirements.
Account Audit Report by User A report is produced of actions performed by users within Northgate Revenues. The report is run for specific users for actions created within a user defined start and end period. The report is intended for workload monitoring within Northgate Revenues.
Cash Receipting Balances Extract An extract of Council Tax and/or Non Domestic Rates account balances. The output file is tailored to the specific cash receipting system requirements.
Cash File Conversion (Swipe Card or Payroll) Where the local authority chooses not to process all sources of payment via the cash receipting system, for example for payroll deductions or payments made on payment cards, then it is possible that the receiving file is not formatted in accordance with the standard Northgate Revenues cash upload process. It is imperative that the standard Northgate cash upload process is utilised to process all payments into Northgate therefore a utility has been developed to convert the incoming file into the required format.
Allocations Extract to Abritas Choice Based Lettings An extract file is produced of all active applications held within Northgate Allocations module. The extract file is XML format and provides the third party Abritas product with the information to allow applicants on the Housing Register to bid for properties within each bidding cycle.
Various Allocations Reports for Housing Register Application Monitoring A series of simple SQL reports to allow the local authority to monitor the applications on the Housing Register. The housing allocations policy will vary between each local authority therefore the details of these reports will be tailored to that policy (for example the local authority may wish to report the applications that have been assigned the highest priority banding for housing as there may be a time constraint of the maximum amount of time that these applicants require re-housing).

* - specification in production (software available)

Consultancy Services

Revenues & BenefitsNorthgate Revenues and Benefits Implementation
 - legacy data transformation
 - Northgate dataload consultancy
 - interface and integration consultancy
BenefitsIntegration to Registered Social Landlord
HousingHousing Allocations implementation for Choice Based Lettings

Training Services

Northgate DatabaseSQL*Plus database training