The quickest and accurate CIS e-filing solution
How EFiling Professionals works for CIS 300 & Verification Request

To e-file any returns you simply extract your CIS 300 and Verification Request data from your system and populate it into a Spreadsheet that is provided by the EFiling Professionals Gateway Server. Upon completion of the data population, you assign a file name and then save the file to your system.

The next step is to log in to the Efiling Professionals system and upload the file you saved to the EFiling Professionals Gateway Server. Once your file is uploaded, the EFiling Professionals Gateway Server will display what you have uploaded for you to view, check and approve. If you are happy with it, click the Go button and the automatic e-filing will take place. We will then automatically attach the HMRC required Envelope (including IRmark processing, if applicable) on to your file and then securely deliver it to the HMRC Server over the HTTPS, together with your HMRC authentication credentials.

After the returns have been submitted, the EFiling Professionals Gateway Server will systematically store whatever data or returns you e-filed, together with the response from the HMRC including the certificate, for you to view, print or download at any time, for up to 3 years.The system will also alert you should any follow up action be required.

The end-to-end process is identical to you logging in to an e-mail system to send an e-mail, together with an attached file that you have saved in your system. It really is that simple.

However, there is a striking difference between our system and many others when dealing with your intended e-filing data. The EFiling Professionals Gateway Server has mirrored the HMRC's XML Schema and Business Rules into its system and is capable of validating your data whilst it is being uploaded. If any of your data fails to comply with the Schema or Business Rules, we will instantly advise you where and what data errors you have, for you to rectify. We also offer you support to assist you with the rectification. Many other systems can only advise you of your data errors when the HMRC rejection message arrives. Those systems clog up the HMRC Server, leading to considerable delays and frustration. Ours gives you peace of mind with accuracy.

The range of documents that can be e-filed or downloaded include:

For E-filing to the HMRC
- CIS 300
- Verification of Subcontractors'Tax Status

The EFiling Professionals Gateway Server e-filing products passed stringent HMRC e-filing accuracy tests. When your uploaded data is accepted into our Server it will fully comply with the HMRC Quality Standard. This makes it different from other systems which are just basic transmitters, with no in-built intelligence. We mirror the HMRC's validation and will inform you of any non-complying data before you e-file, thus preventing any e-filing failures.

All data movements between your system and our Server are carried out through a 128 bit SSL connection. The secure connection tunnel is similar to that used with Internet banking. You can have peace of mind with this secured SSL connection. The password you enter is one way encoded, which means your data can be kept private from everyone else.

Universal System for you:
Integrate regardless of where you are, you can always access our service through the secured 128 bit SSL Internet connection to view, print, e-file, audit, as well as download, your data. Moreover, regardless of which platform you operate on, be it Unix, Linux, Windows or Mac, our system will always work for you and can be integrated into your system for e-filing and downloading.

Auditable System:
EFiling Professionals system benefits you with fully auditable submissions. This means the system maintains a secure and comprehensive audit trail of submissions. You can review and examine the details of your data before you submit it, and you can further review and keep track of what you have actually submitted at any time from anywhere in the world.

Long Term Commitment:
Our modular approach ensures that our Server can be readily updated with any new e-filing requirements, without any interruption to the service. The architecture we have adopted is easy to maintain and can evolve to support any HMRC updates. You can be confident that your current and future requirements are secure.

Freedom to Administrator:
EFiling Professionals handles the various aspects of Government Gateway integration. Our proven Gateway experience and security know-how has accumulated over the last 5 years and protects you from the normal risks associated with the complex integration of this new e-service. With this simple, ready to use and flexible, 100% Internet based solution you can focus on core business matters rather than wasting time waiting for CDs and then installing them in your system.

Other Services:
In addition to our end-to-end e-filing solution, we also provide a range of services to ensure an effortless implementation.

- Full management of the certification process.
- A customised deployment architecture optimised for your infrastructure.
- Integration with your administration system to fully automate the submission process.

Enquiry E-mail :    OR   Tel: 020 8452 9516