Almiraj Sufi and Islamic Study Centre

Hadith an Nur - The Descent of Light
translated from the Arabic by Murshid F. A. 'Ali ElSenossi

Haqiqat al Muhammadiyyah -The Reality of Muhammad- is the light by which you can distinguish Reality.

"The angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day, the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years" Surah Ma'rij (The ways of Ascent) 70:4

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said "The first thing Allah created was my spirit"

"The first thing that Allah created was the Intellect (Al 'Aql)"

And he said "The first thing that Allah created was the Pen (Al Qalam)"


One of the great companions of the Holy Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him), Jabir bin Abdullah, always asked questions concerning the deeper knowledge of Islam. On this particular occasion, he inquired of the Holy Prophet "What is the first thing that Allah created?" The Holy Prophet replied 'The first thing that Allah created was the Light of Your Prophet, Oh Jabir'. Then the Holy Prophet continued 'Then He created within that light all goodness and after that, He created everything else. When He created that Luminous Light, He stood it before Him in the Station of Nearness (Maqam al Qurb) for 12,000 years.

This light He divided into 4 portions. From the first portion, He created the Throne. From the second portion He created the Pedestal. From the third portion, He created the Angels that carry the Throne and the Trustees of the Pedestal. The fourth portion He then stood before Him in the Station of Love (Maqam al Hubb) for 12,000 years.

From this fourth portion He created 4 more portions. From the first portion He created the Pen, from the second He created the Lawh (tablet), from the third He created Paradise. Then He stood the fourth portion before Him in the Station of Fear (Maqam al Khawf) for 12,000 years.

From this portion, He created 4 more portions. From the first portion He created the Angels, from the second He created the Sun, from the third He created the Moon and all the celestial bodies. Then He stood the fourth portion before Him in the Station of Hope (Maqam ar Rija') for 12,000 years.

From this portion, He again created 4 more portions. From one He created the Intellect ('Aql), from the second portion Knowledge and Gentleness, from the third, Tawfiq (success). The fourth portion He stood before Him in the Station of Shyness (Maqam al Haya') for 12,000 years. After 12,000 years, Allah turned His glance upon this light. This look caused luminous beads of perspiration to appear upon it. From each of these 124,000 drops of light, Allah created the Spirit of a Prophet or Messenger. Then the Spirits of the Prophets exhaled. From this exhalation, Allah created all the Saints and the people who will be in perpetual happiness, the martyrs and those who are obedient from among the believers until the Day of Judgement.

The Holy Prophet continued and said 'So the Throne and the Pedestal are from my light. Paradise and every enjoyment and perpetual bliss is from my light. The Angels of the Seven Heavens are from my light. The selected angelic beings are from my light. The Sun and the Moon and all the celestial bodies from my light. Knowledge, Gentleness and Success, from my light. The spirits of the Messengers and the Prophets, from my light. The martyrs and the conscious people from the result of my light.

Then Allah created 12 veils. That part of my light which is the fourth portion of the fourth portion, stood in every veil for 1,000 years. These veils are the veil of generosity, the veil of happiness, the veil of awe, the veils of mercy and kindness and knowledge, humbleness, dignity, gentleness (sakinah), patience and realisation, truthfulness. After worshipping Allah in every veil for a period of 1,000 years, Allah caused the light to emerge and He placed it upon the Earth. That light illuminates what is between the Easts and the Wests like a lantern in the darkness of the night.

Then Allah created Adam from the Earth, took from that light and placed it within his forehead. This light was transmitted to Seth and from him it passed from one pure soul to another - from goodness to goodness until Allah transferred it to the loins of Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib. From him, it passed into the womb of my mother, Aminah. Then He brought me forth into this world. He made me the Master of the Messengers (Sayyid al Mursalin), Seal of the Prophets (Khatm an Nabiyyin) and a mercy for all creations.

That is how the creation of your Prophet was accomplished, Oh Jabir. Thus said the Holy Prophet Muhamad (saw).

Note: The Holy Prophet Muhammad÷ mentions in this saying a series of time periods totalling 12,060,000 years (5 x 12,000 + 12,000 X 1000) before the creation of Adam. Taking into account the measure that Allah mentions in the verse of the Holy Qu'ran quoted at the top of this article - a period of earthly time roughly equivalent to 220,095,000,000,000 years (22,095 billion) occurs from the creation of the Light of Muhammad÷ to the creation of Adam. (12,060,000 multiplied by 365 days by 50,000 years).

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8th Aoril, 2006

Almiraj Sufi and Islamic Study Centre Inc.
Incorporated in the State of Tasmania, Australia