BTSCelebs Twitter-view with Model Ryuichi Pham

Did you miss our Twitter-view with Vietnamese model Ryuichi Pham yesterday? Well, never fear…BTSCelebs recap is here!

Check our the full Twitter-view transcript below:

Ryuchi: sitting at coffe bean saigon waiting for ur quessstions so excited haha!!

BTSCelebs:  Let’s start off with the basics……What drew you to modeling? 

 Ryuchi:  I was scouted 2 years ago by my current agency “Instyle models Munich” while walking around with my friends!!

 You were in the right place at the right time 🙂 I was scouted when I was around 11, but that is story for another time…next question… As a child, did you dream of becoming a model? What were you nurtured to become?

sure! was dancing to Madonnas Vogue everyday and night haha jk no ..I wanted to become a pokemon master!!! nurtured? like what did my parents want me to become? they hoped that I wont get into prison n become a gangster

there is nothing wrong with that….haha 🙂 Seriously, who do you look to for support and motivation?

 I always ask my MUM…(I LOVE YOU MUM) she is the person I can talk to and ask for advices…I am a mama’s boy

 Nice..I know Mom must be proud. She has a “model” son :)…Is it scary being in front of the camera? What do you like about it? 

First it was really awkward…posing..facial expression everything has to be perfect..and although I am still a newbie in this business.I think I am already alot more comfortable with being in front of the camera as it  gets “Lessscary with every “successful” fotoshoot

 How do you control your nervousness ? 

drink :))…alot of water srsly I jump around I dance and I sing like before I had my finals my neighbours complaint becuz I kept sining at night before I was so nervous :((

 Being active helps..interesting….Besides winning the contest, have you gotten additional modeling opportunities?

Right now I am in vietnam visiting my family but I also got a job for Elle Vietnam tmrw so stay tuned haha 

We will…haha :)…..Are you currently on an exclusive contract with a modeling agency in Germany?

I am only under instyle but I am free to join other agencies so if u know someone….:)) holla at me

Holla! haha Ok …..Do you want to expand your modeling career to the USA?

going international is a big dream of mine right now I am waiting for replies of agencies in Paris and America but it is still really hard for an asian model to be really succesful in europe or america as ppl are still not  interested in asian models :(( 

 I hear you. I guess you have to keep trying until you reach your goals…. Do you have a role model?

male asian models like sen mitsuji or noma han are people I look up to because they are asian and successful

They can give many hope…..Q: How will you juggle a romantic relationship with the demands of a modeling career? 

I dont know I ve never had a “romantic relationship” haha forever alone lol …honestly I dont know…

When the time comes…you will probably deal with it then…:) Ok, here is our last question…. If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be? 

openminded honest hungry thanks alot for the interview and showing interest in a newface like me 🙂 if u guys have any firther questions whether personal questions or questions bout modellin just message me good bye :))

 A big thank you again to @EnVogue_Ryu for our in-depth #btscelebs Twitter-view about the modeling industry.

Also, thanks to @NaijaSeoul@blueorchids@ohkpop &myself 🙂 for creating the interview questions and RTing the promos…Thanks everyone for tweeting in! 🙂

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2 Responses to BTSCelebs Twitter-view with Model Ryuichi Pham

  1. Bloop says:

    Haha! The part about him not being in a relationship before is a lie. He has hinted at having a significant other before..

  2. Pingback: 7 Questions with Hallyu Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Nadezhda Hope | BTSCELEBS

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