“Lose control, of body and soul.”

“And the base keep runnin’ runnin’, and runnin’ runnin’, and runnin’ runnin’, and runnin’ runnin’, and
runnin’ runnin’, and runnin’ runnin’, and runnin’ runnin’, and runnin’ runnin”

I listened to this song yesterday and I love how it says runnin like a billion times 🙂 I love Black Eyed Peas.

I feel like I’ve been runnin’ runnin’ all weekend. I feel AWESOME too. I’m SO ready for the half in a few weeks. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt this ready for one before. Maybe I’m just trying to fake myself out or something. Who knows. I’m just going with it because it feels great.

On to my weekend recap…On Friday night we went to Pita Jungle for dinner and watched The Social Network. It’s a really good movie. Both Craig and I really liked it.

Then Saturday morning I was up by 4:30 am for my 10 mile run. I was running about 4 miles until meeting with Diana. She ran 6 miles. It passed by so fast. It was like the old times. We caught up and kept a good pace for the both of us. We talked the whole 6 miles and I felt amazing. At the end we each had to run separate ways for about a mile and a half so we parted ways. Before separating we took a quick picture.


I kept a good pace for the remainder of my run. I got home and I was a sweaty mess. I felt more confident than my last 10 mile run though and I was very happy about that. I like ending a run with a good feeling. It keeps me motivated and excited.

After my run I got ready and headed over to my parents. My sister and I went shopping and we were able to finish one of our costumes. I just have a few more things to get for my second one. I can’t wait for Halloween!! Wooohooo. I also hung out at my parents. My mom made me pumpkin bread and it’s OH SO delicious. I brought a little bit home too. 🙂 I couldn’t stay too long at my parents because we had a house-warming party to go to when Craig got off work. It was fun hanging out with our friends.

Sunday morning it was another dark and early run with Craig. We went to “our” park for our 5 mile run. 

Craig bought this shirt that says ” Everyday is Training Day” I really like it.

It was nice and cool in the morning. Nice weather the whole run. It never got too hot.

Another good run for the both of us 🙂

Time for football!! Have a great day blogsters.


3 comments on ““Lose control, of body and soul.”

  1. Goodness! 4:30 am and 10 miles?! You’re my new hero, Betty! Good job on the run! You will do great when you run the half in a few weeks! Btw, I love that song by Black Eyed Peas. I don’t know why I don’t have it on my playlist!!! It’s a great song to run to. Keep up the good job!

  2. Veronica says:

    I love Craigs shirt!

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