
  • June 2008
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Fort Wayne has left its mark!!

Posted by baconbach on June 18, 2008

I was watching the original Planet of the Apes tonight and was astonished to find our that Taylor (charlie H) and learned to write in  “Fort Wayne, Indiana” !!  For those of you who do not know Ft. Wayne, Indiana also was once on the Daily Show because the Roller Dome was a possible terrorist target.  (its true… look it up if you doubt)

To think that me and a man who travels through time and space to a planet filled with apes have something in common,  we both know of this “mythical community Fort Wayne” just makes me feel more awesome about myself.

I say to you, Fort Wayne, and everyone who learned to write there well done!

2 Responses to “Fort Wayne has left its mark!!”

  1. Mark King said

    Not only Did the character of Taylor learn to write in Fort Wayne, the school he sites actually exsists also. Also Fort Wayne, has been in more then one movie over the years and was on Hitlers list of cities to bomb during WWII.

  2. […] thought I had blogged about this before, but I couldn’t find it.  There was a comment over on BaconBach about Fort Wayne being “on Hitlers list of cities to bomb during […]

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