I always accepted the messy bits of Windows in the past because the system addressed such a large audience. But given the way things are going, Windows should evolve into a system that is laser targeted to the customers who will in fact continue using it regularly. That’s mostly business users, but even when you look at the consumers who will use Windows, that usage is almost entirely productivity related. Windows should focus on that. On getting work done. On an audience of doers. Job one should be productivity.
Paul Thurrott, on Windows 8 in What the Heck is Happening to Windows?

If roads were collapsing all across the United States, killing dozens of drivers, we would surely see that as a moment to talk about what we could do to keep roads from collapsing. If terrorists were detonating bombs in port after port, you can be sure Congress would be working to upgrade the nation’s security measures. If a plague was ripping through communities, public-health officials would be working feverishly to contain it.

Only with gun violence do we respond to repeated tragedies by saying that mourning is acceptable but discussing how to prevent more tragedies is not. But that’s unacceptable. As others have observed, talking about how to stop mass shootings in the aftermath of a string of mass shootings isn’t “too soon.” It’s much too late.

Kellen from berberich on Vimeo.

Kellen has a few things to say.

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Did you know that Alec Baldwin has a podcast on WNYC? I didn’t either.

The latest episode is an interview he did with David Letterman. It’s the most intimate conversation I’ve ever heard Dave have, so hearing about his early days in The Business is just great.

I loved the Mega Man games growing up. I still have the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for the Game Cube (playable on the Wii) that I’m going to play the hell out of one of these weekends.

An Invocation for Beginnings

There is no need to sharpen my pencils anymore. My pencils are sharp enough. Even the dull ones will make a mark.

Warts and all.

Let’s start this shit up.