My First 3 Cricut Projects

11 May

Ok, so you seen my post about getting my new Cricut Expression, right? So here is my first ever project that I did on it.  Nothing to fancy or complicated, so you might not be impressed.  But I was impressed. Impressed by the fact that this little card took my all of 10 minutes to create.  And that sentiment on it; yeah, I would have never tried to cut something like that by hand! No way!  So here you go:

Like I said nothing to complicated or fancy about that.  But it was super easy and fast and I think it is cute. Now I just need to figure out who to give it to. Shouldn’t be to hard.  By the way, it was cut from the Wild Card cartridge and I can’t really tell you what size I cut it at since I didn’t write it down. Sorry.

So on to project number 2.  The Forever Young cartridge is one of my favorties (so far) and I love all of the little purses on it.  Btw, if you have a  little girl that is into Barbie right now and you want to do some cool custom things for a Barbie party you have got to get this cartridge! It would work perfectly.  My “little” girl will be 11 on her next birthday and a Barbie party didn’t appeal to her when I mentioned it.  And I don’t think daddy will let me throw one for Micah anytime soon! lol!

Anyways, I decided to make on of the purses on the cartridge because they are just so stinkin cute.  One downside was that I only had 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper so I knew that it was going to be tiny.  But I forged ahead with my plans.  And here is what I ended up with

Isn’t it adorable?!? So sorry for the flash glare on the purse.  It is actually a dusty rose color and the insert is hunter green and it is a lot cuter in person than it appears in this picture.  So after I cut it and assembled it my son (who is almost 2) came in the room and promptly claimed the purse as “mine”! So I explained to him (as much as you can to an almost 2 year old!) that it was not his and that purses are for girls.  So my son being the smart one he is proceeded to tell me that is was Maya’s.  So the purse project has now turned into the purse gift for Maya.  If you want to know who Maya is, you should read this post.  But just briefly she is one of Micah’s best friends and she is moving soon and it is very sad for our family.  So the plan is to put a couple little hair decorations and a small bottle of finger nail polish in it and give it to Maya. I will take some pictures of it when it is ready to go.

And last but not least, the third project that I did with my bug.  This is one of my favorites, because of the colors and the butterfly! Love that butterfly!

I love the combination of the purple and teal cardstocks together.  I did mess up on this one though, however you can’t see it in the pictures because it doesn’t effec the project you see here.  When I was prining the parts to the butterfly (base and filigree wings) I accidentally cut the wings too big. Not sure how I did it but it happened.  So I just recut the wings smaller and then cut me a body big.  So then I had the parts to create another butterfly for a future project! Pretty spiffy (and I will show you how I ended up using it in the future).  This card was also off of the Wild Card cartridge, again I didn’t write down any of the sizes since I was really just playing around with my new toy. But in the future I will write them down for you.


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Posted by on May 11, 2010 in Cricut, Forever Young, Wild Card


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