Everyone has problems and it is in how you focus on the problem that can create more of the same. Let’s say that problem is a tiger in the room. By ignoring the tiger doesn’t mean he isn’t a danger. By ignoring what is in life, maybe a sibling takes drugs or there isn’t enough cash for the rent, doesn’t mean that you ignore that particular problem. First, recognize there is a problem. Then ask yourself if it can be changed? Then ask what will it take to possibly change it? Is there an immediate answer? With a tiger there would be an immediate answer like…run! lol

OR Is it something that you have to accept and ‘let be’ since you have no control over it and possibly the only control you may have over it is in your own reaction? And that reaction may be just the catalyst to creating an easier solution or an eye opening experience that may be needed? By recognizing and accepting it is there but then letting it go knowing there is a solution, even if that solution is to do nothing, you have expanded consciousness and taking hold of your own response instead of letting the ‘problem’ take hold of you.

It is all in how you look at it. Let’s tame that tiger, shall we? 🙂