Damn you auto correct

This blog post is just a plug for this a website which makes me chuckle every time I visit it.

Damn you Auto Correct!

We’ve all done it, texting away or updating Twitter and not been as observant as we should be when our thumbs are doing the talking.

The website is a collection of some of the funniest and embarrassing moments like these.

One such incident I had went like this

Me: Hi Dad, I’m going away for the weekend, would it be possible you could take my bin in please
Dad: Yeah, sure I’ll do it on the way home from work
Me: Thanks, I wouldn’t normally ask I just don’t want my bin licking.
Me: Crap I meant nicking!

Not really a patch on some of the mistakes on that site, but it made me chuckle at the time!

So next time something like that happens to you, you can relax in the knowledge that it happens to others.

About Jay McNeill

A Husband, father of twins, who works full time and tries his best to be a good dad, husband, runner and a gamer!
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