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About Us

 Photo We worked in southwest Uganda from 2008-10, as CMS Mission Partners in Kisiizi Hospital, Church of Uganda.  Then we returned to UK and then went to explore possibilities of work in India.  Though there were interesting opportunities for service in several hospitals in India, issues of health and family pull us back to UK again.The Kisiizi Hospital had been planning a number of developments: an important collaboration with the Countess of Chester NHS Trust; further building work for the School of Nursing; bringing the Power Company to full operation as the new 320kW turbine is installed and brought to life.  Bill was the Finance Manager for the Hospital.  He was involved in these developments.  However, the key day-to-day priorities were: managing cash flow in tight circumstances; developing donor relations; improving internal financial reporting. As a licensed Anglican Lay Reader, he was involved in preaching at the church services.

Wanda was working at the School of Nursing, attached to the Hospital, as it seeks to train under the new Government of Uganda Comprehensive Scheme of Training. She tought on the courses, she works with the Principal on timetabling planning, and helped plan the offsite work-placements.  She also explored how the nursing students can be used in the modest community based health programmes in the areas. She piloted a public health programme, linked with the Governments own PHC, visiting schools in the surrounding area. She also sought to involve rehab, mental and dental health work in these outreach. We were both actively involved in the Hospital based fellowships, and both regularly preached on the ward services, in the Sunday Chapel, and the evening fellowships.

September 2011