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Ask An Expert

I often receive questions from photographers seeking to improve their skills and gain a better understanding of the craft.  Questions have ranged from “What is aperture?” to “Which is the best monitor to use for digital darkroom work?” to “Who do you use to make your prints?”.  I’m competent in some areas and not at all in others which meant that occasionally I’d have to confess, “I don’t know.”  I could just make up an answer but sooner or later I’d get caught.  And I can’t stand dishonesty or being humiliated in public.

In an effort to address the issue I’ve assembled a diverse team of talented photographers to answer all your burning questions.  You now have access to working pro’s with experience in travel, nature, landscape and adventure photography, digital darkroom experts, self-publishing gurus and business & marketing geniuses.  Email me your best questions and collectively we’ll do our very best to answer them right here on my blog.

My goal for “Ask An Expert” is to make this a fun, engaging, interactive and informative forum where photographers can learn from photographers.  But I can’t do that without your participation.  So if you have a suggestion, a question or even a complaint I’m always eager to hear from you.  Now, let’s…

Meet The Experts

Andy Biggs

Carl Donohue

Darwin Wiggett

Erik Stensland

George Stocking

Guy Tal

Jesse Speer

Kevin McNeal

Nathaniel Coalson

Richard Durnan

Scott Bacon

Sean Bagshaw

Todd Caudle

Youssef Ismail

3 Comments leave one →
  1. January 17, 2010 5:07 pm

    How does the sharpening in Adobe Lightroom compare to unsharp mask sharpening in PhotoShop. I have heard several people claim it is good to use for capture sharpening for images submitted to agencies that will be licensed by clients who will then resize and do additional output sharpening.

    What is the difference in Lightroom sharpening and Unsharp mask??

    • January 17, 2010 5:30 pm

      Great question, Allen. This is another perfect question for the RLG (Resident Lightroom Guru), Nat Coalson. I emailed him your question and will post the response as a separate post as soon as I receive it. Thanks for participating in “Ask An Expert”!


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