Onstage at Orchestra Hall, rehearsing with Kathryn Goodson.  Photo: Michelle Andonian 

Randall Hawes contact information:  randyhawes@comcast.net

http://www.michelleandonian.com http://www.kathryngoodson.com

 Orchestra Hall (built in 1919 and shown above in 2002, before the addition of the Max M. Fisher Music Center) is a concert hall located in midtown Detroit, Michigan. The hall is renowned for its superior acoustic properties and serves as the home of the internationally known Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO), the fourth oldest orchestra in the United States. With the creation of an adjoining auditorium for jazz, chamber music and banquets in 2003, Orchestra Hall became part of the Max M. Fisher Music Center. This building is also home to the Jacob Bernard Pincus Music Education Center which thrives with activity every Saturday. Orchestra Hall was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1971. A recent online article on the Detroit Symphony with some its history:   http://www.polyphonic.org/spotlight.php?id=15&page=1

Orchestra Hall at Max Fisher Music Center
3711 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
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