Bob's year in (roughly) chronological order.
Wood Farm Dog Club: Bob has spent a third year at the dog club, here are a few of his friends....
Christmas was hard work for a little dog. Here Bob is helping us put away the decorations.
And this is what he looks like after a walk in the rain. These two pictures were taken in January and August.
House hunting in Burgundy. A few pictures from our trip in February.
Our gite owners had a dog and Bob spent hours playing with it.
The big feature of the week was the snow - Bob loved it, especially as we were snowed in a couple of times so we had to spend the day playing with him instead of looking at houses.
At the start of the week Bob was very wary of the log fire and walked all the way around the settee rather than cross in front of it. He soon changed his ideas when he realised that the warmth was coming from there.
It was deperately cold to start with and it took three days for the gite to come up to a sensible temperature. There is a picture here of Bob huddling under several layers and trying to cope - he's more used to central heating.
Both Bob and Anne have taken to having an afternoon nap. I understand it is especially important after the rigours of agility training on a Tuesday.
The entertainments officer at work. Here keeping Tony busy and the rest of us amused.
An Easter shot.
Bob taking a shower. He normally has a shower every four to six weeks but the time can be shortened if he chooses to roll in anything particularly pungent. After the wash he is almost a fluorescent white.
This is a sort of cross between pleading and mind meld - he probably got his way (again).
On a particularly dirty day Anne examined the possibility of making Bob a coat from an old T-shirt. It didn't quite work but they both had fun trying.
Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club fun day. After last year, when we were invited again then there was no question. Bob was an honorary Pyrenean for the day and you can see him showing one of the actual Pyreneans that there is no difference in size and if anything Bob was taller. Of course if the other dog had stood up.....
It was at the fun day that Bob took and passed the silver level of the Kennel Club good citizen dog scheme.
On one of our visits to Gainsborough Bob was playing with Chamois until they each decided to do their own thing.
The trailer. The manufacturers of my bike trailer made me a cage style lid so that Bob could travel more securely and I had somewhere to lock away my biking gear when we stopped. Bob preferred being able to stick his head right out into the air stream but he seems OK with the new arrangement. So far we've ventured about ten miles from home but there is no windscreen or weatherproofing so until that is added we will keep it local and only go out on guaranteed dry days.
Bob's new trick for the year is 'begging'. He can stay balanced in this position while he is fed a series of treats and then lift up into a pirouette for the last one.
More common than you'd think, sometimes four times a day. Being so low to the ground, on a wet day Bob's whole underside is dripping with muddy water when he gets in from a walk. This is the washing station in our utility room where he has his muddy paws and belly wiped clean before he is allowed back into the house.
Bob's Auntie Janett bought him a doggy advent calendar. He can't read the numbers, but if you open a door for him he is very adept at removing the chocolate.

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