Do you need a Web Site?

  • For a fast-track to a No-Obligation preliminary demo of your future site from click here


Q: What's the point of a web site?

A: The purpose of a web site is primarily to provide a web presence in what is effectively the biggest meeting place in the world. People who claim that a Web Site is an essential prerequisite and is a guaranteed way of attracting limitless amount of coverage and additional business are probably showing misplaced enthusiasm. That's our honest view. But it doesn't end there...

Q: So why are there literally millions of web sites on the Web?

A: It is true that if it is designed correctly and aimed specifically at your target audience, you do increase the chances of attracting visitors but it ultimately does also depend on what your business or organisation does and whether it is the kind of business that can thrive in this environment. We will tell you straight away whether or not this is the route to go down. And of course, the quality of the Web Site is also a deciding factor.

Q: What things do I need in order to have a Web Site?

A: Not a lot! Having a PC which can be connected on-line is really the only thing you'll need if you want to pick up e-mail enquiries from visitors that visit your site though this is not actually essential. You'll need to have a site address registered, though we can usually arrange that for you, so you need not worry.

Q: Do I need to be a computer guru to have a Web Site?

A: Absolutely not! Just like owning a car or a domestic appliance, you needn't know how it works, once we set up a site it can look after itself though we do take a pride in making sure that our sites are bang up to date and will recommend we maintain your site to reflect changes in your business or organisation.

Q: What factors determine a Web Site design?

A: initially discusses prospective clients' needs to really establish what the key elements your business or organisation has to offer visitors which will make you stand out from the crowd. From that point, we can begin to formulate a basic design brief which will be the foundation for an effective Web Site.

Q: What are the basic rules? takes a view that the least you will get from having an on-line site is a fundamental web presence. Even the simplest sites we design will have a few pages showcasing your business / organisation and provide you with an e-mail facility, thereby enabling visitors to contact you in an interactive manner, which is something that conventional advertising can't compete with. However, whereas some notable large organisations stop at that point, we always encourage you to include many other facilities that we often build in to our sites which we consider of equal importance. Amongst these are graphical images which are key to promoting your products or activities and we will produce those pictures for you if you don't have any on hand.

If you have a business and it is specifically directed at a particular type of visitor and you need to apply an automatic selection process in order to avoid being swamped by to broad a base of respondents, we can apply a grading process which will help you filter out and concentrate on the enquiries which suit your business most effectively.

Q: What makes different to other web design businesses?

A: If you've come on-line as a result of seeing our advertisements elsewhere, you'll have probably seen that we are specialists in Small and Medium Businesses and Organisations.

By this, we mean that we concentrate on the needs of clients who want a compact, efficient and robust site which will tell your visitors everything they need to know in the most effective manner. The pages will be optimised so as to load as quickly as possible, navigation within the site will be straightforward and will be structured in such as way as to funnel your visitor to the feedback / e-mail page, thereby increasing your chances of receiving an enquiry and therefore a potential new customer or member. One very important point is that we build each site from scratch. Some Web design services will use a template and do little more than insert your name and e-mail address and make minor changes elsewhere, with little consideration for highlighting what YOU have to offer. looks at YOUR needs as a unique set of requirements and builds the site ground-up from that unique set of criteria. We use the very latest industry-leading professional web design and graphics software to ensure that the overall product looks good and works perfectly.

Q: People tell me it costs a lot to have a site - What do you charge?

A: recognises the financial constraints that apply to small businesses and organisations. We're precisely geared for that and this is where the competition can't keep up with us. We don't work out of flashy premises, we don't drive expensive cars (would be nice) and with this in mind, we work hard to keep our overheads down and apply as much of our resources to the end-product, your Web Site. Based in the Northwest of Bristol, we are ideally positioned to cover the locality and undertake visits to your premises for one-to-one meetings and photography, where required. If you need a figure to work from, we'd say a basic site with a few pages, e-mail address and some pictures will be a few hundred pounds. Like everything though, the more facilities you need, the more it is likely to cost. However, we never forget that we're used to dealing with small budgets and therefore are realistic about what we do.

Q: What don't you do?

A: At present, we don't do on-line transactions, that is to say on-line ordering though credit cards. We do some animation work though we tend to keep that down to a minimum as the trend is to move away from overtly "Flashy" sites which resemble a fairground and detract from what you are trying to tell your target audience. We don't encourage putting sound on our sites as this can dramatically slow down the speed at which your site pages appear on a visitor's screen. In a nutshell, our sites look good, do the job well but are not gimmicky. When we feel Internet technology has made the required advances, we'll add more features as standard to our sites.

Q: How long does it take to get a site online?

A: To be honest, we can't give you a short answer on this. It depends on the content of your site, whether you need pictures made of your products, premises, people etc., if you need some jazzy and high-end graphics, animation.... the list goes on. What we will say is that a straightforward site with a few pages usually takes about 5 days to set up. This means that with us, you could be on the Web this time next week!

Q: My business / organisation is constantly changing. I'm not sure what to put on my site. Can you help?

A: Yes, we can help. We can help because we understand that things are never the same for long. Whereas some Web design businesses out there will charge the earth for subsequent changes, we allocate a fair proportion of our time to updating sites to continue meeting your needs. All we need to know from you is if you've had a major development in your activities that you'd now like included in your site. We'll do the rest. Of course, there is a small charge for this service but again, we keep things sensible as we want you to continue using us in the future!

Q: So, what do I need to do to get started with no obligation?

A: Easy - Either fill in the boxes below or call (01454) 772600 or fax on (01454) 250447. We'll get back in touch with you and we'll arrange a time to discuss your needs at your convenience. From there, we'll do a demo of the sort of site design we have in mind to meet your needs and if you like what you see, upon payment of a 25% deposit, we'll then get the site built up and will then run it past you again to make any final adjustments. Once you agree the final content, we'll ask for 50% payment prior to publishing the site on-line. We'll contact you to tell you when it is on-line so you'll probably be one of the first visitors to see what it looks like "live". We will then ask for payment of the 25% balance within 7 days and we'll maintain periodic contact with you to see if you need any changes.

Q: What examples have you got of the kinds of Sites you can create?

A: Please click here for examples. We're adding to our list as and when the sites are authorised for demonstation.

A No-Obligation preliminary demo of your future site from

We'd like to see if your business or organisation lends itself to having a Web Site which has the potential to bring you more customers, members or publicity. In order for us to provide a preliminary no-obligation view, please fill in the details on this form. This will only take a few moments and will help us greatly.We'll then get in touch with you and arrange a suitable time for an informal meeting to discuss in more detail. This information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be released to any outside parties.

1. Name of your business/organisation:

2. Your type of business/organisation:

3. if "other", please briefly state what your principal activity is

4. Do you currently have a Web Site?
(if yes, please go to the next question, 4a)
(if no, please now go straight to question 5)

If you currently have a web site...    
4a. Please enter your web site address:  
4b. How long have you had this site online?  
4c. Who has mainly been responsible for its creation?  
4d. Has your site been regularly updated?  

4e. What are your main reasons for considering a redesign or update of your Web Site?

> > > Please now jump straight to question 6 > > >

If you currently don't have a web site...    
5. What are your main reasons for considering having a Web Site?  
(enter details)
5a. How soon would you need a site to be set up for you?  
Please now continue to question 6 >

6. What is your anticipated budget for Web-related work over the next 12 months?   (select)

(Remember, this is a general form set up to cater for a diverse range of requirements, including medium organisations with larger sites. Don't be put off by the values listed above, they don't indicate in any way what you expect to be quoted by us, rather we need to know what your financial parameters are in order to enable us to offer you our best value site for your budget)

7. Are you the person who will be making the decision as regards implementation of any Web Site work?
7a. If no, please state who will be involved in making these decisions:  
(enter details)

Thank you for filling in these details. To complete this form, please let us know:

Your name:
Your position:
Telephone contact number:
Your Postcode:
When is the best time to contact you?

Thank you, please now press the "Send Details!" button, if you're online now, they'll be sent straight away. If you're not, your details will be e-mailed to us next time you logged on to the Web. If this is an urgent requirement and you're off-line, please log on as soon as you can to enable transmission.


We wish to assure you that the information above will be treated in the stictest confidence and will not be released to any Third Parties.

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