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Nashville news story on baby Audrey Caroline: Woman carries child she knows will die

May 13, 2009

If you have found this blog, you surely already know about baby Audrey Caroline, whose mom, Angie Smith has written all about her at Bring The Rain.  Here is a  Mother’s Day story Angie’s local news station ran about her experience carrying baby Audrey and about the book she is writing. angieNote, be sure to watch the video off the original link.

Woman Carries Child She Knows Will Die

Mom Blogs About Experience While Pregnant

UPDATED: 1:01 pm CDT May 12, 2009

Angie Smith composes blog posts to her daughter and to the thousands of people who unexpectedly came to know Audrey Caroline.

“One of my tests had come back a little bit abnormal,” Smith said. “Basically, within a matter of a few minutes, (the doctor) just said, ‘This baby can’t live, and I need to get the doctor.’ And, of course, you’re just in total shock. You’re going in for a really routine ultrasound, and all of a sudden your world is just flipped upside down.”

Smith’s ultrasound showed an unhealthy baby and predicted certain death. The doctor said that there were options in a general sense, but a termination needed to be scheduled.

“And during all of these meetings with all of these people, what you have to visualize is my daughter is rolling around in my stomach and kicking me, and she’s alive. I mean, she’s my daughter already,” said Smith. “This was a child God had given us, and until He chose to take her, it wasn’t in our hands, and so this wasn’t what we did. We carried her.”

Smith decided that the 40 weeks Audrey Caroline would safely live in her womb would be treated as 40 weeks of family life.

“And so we said, ‘What do you think we should we do with Audrey? She’s still your sister. Where should we take her? What should we do with her?’ And my daughter said, ‘I want to show her Cinderella’s castle,'” said Smith.

Smith wrote from her Franklin home every day on her blog, Bring The Rain, and thousands of readers wept and prayed. It became one of the most popular Christian blogs in the world. “One of my tests had come back a little bit abnormal,” Smith said. “Basically, within a matter of a few minutes, (the doctor) just said, ‘This baby can’t live, and I need to get the doctor.’ And, of course, you’re just in total shock. You’re going in for a really routine ultrasound, and all of a sudden your world is just flipped upside down.”

Smith’s ultrasound showed an unhealthy baby and predicted certain death. The doctor said that there were options in a general sense, but a termination needed to be scheduled.

“And during all of these meetings with all of these people, what you have to visualize is my daughter is rolling around in my stomach and kicking me, and she’s alive. I mean, she’s my daughter already,” said Smith. “This was a child God had given us, and until He chose to take her, it wasn’t in our hands, and so this wasn’t what we did. We carried her.”

Smith decided that the 40 weeks Audrey Caroline would safely live in her womb would be treated as 40 weeks of family life.

“And so we said, ‘What do you think we should we do with Audrey? She’s still your sister. Where should we take her? What should we do with her?’ And my daughter said, ‘I want to show her Cinderella’s castle,'” said Smith.

Smith wrote from her Franklin home every day on her blog, Bring The Rain, and thousands of readers wept and prayed. It became one of the most popular Christian blogs in the world. continue

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