2011 Winter/Spring Training Schedule

Let's do this!

I’ve never created my own training schedule before. I’ve completed various running programs from Hal Higdon as well as several rounds and variations of P90X. Without a strict schedule, I’m unable to stay motivated and stay on track of my workouts. I might do a few short runs a week and maybe a few push-ups and curls, but there’s no focus and little maintenance.

This year I decided to create my own schedule. I want to work on my distance running, give speed work a try, and work in a good amount of weight training. My wife is also a fitness geek, and wants to increase her half marathon time. She found Ryan Hall’s half marathon plan and suggested we give it a try. I’ve modified the plan, changing some days around and extending the program to about 16 weeks. The extension is to start slow, building distance and trying speed work before we start hitting the higher numbers.

On cross-training days my plan is to focus on variation in workouts. I plan on mixing up P90X, P90X+, and Tony Horton’s One-On-One workouts, as well as leaving the videos and hitting the gym or just going outside and using the environment as my gym.

I’ll also be focusing on eating clean and following a nutrition plan that is performance based but realistic. I’m still working that part out, but for now I’m sticking to my tried-and-true plan of eating mostly meat, dairy and veggies, with a small amount fruit and carbs.

This is the first time I’ve tried to fully integrate weights and running. I’m aiming for a holistic health plan, where I’ll improve my overall fitness, as well as my running, and be able to indulge in the occasional slice of pizza, side of fries, or beer festival without worrying about killing my results.

Tomorrow I’ll be running intervals for the first time – wish me luck.

About Ken

An average guy trying to get fit without getting bored.
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