Thursday, February 28, 2008

Meningioma Brain Tumors-Statistical Recurrence

We, at this time, thanks to Nancy A, were in touch with a neuropathologist, Dr. Bill Whetsell, Jr., and learned from him that a meningioma tumor has about a 15% chance of recurring and is more likely to do so in women. It was too late now; I had already had the recurrence. Someone should have made us aware of this sooner.

We learned also, from Dr. Whetsell, that
''Ashlyn has some active meningioma cells that could conceivably result in a third tumor.” Fear gripped us. He strongly recommended that
“Ashlyn's condition would need to be watched closely”, so Jack and I realized then that I would need to have, at least once a year either a CT Scan or an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging that also lets doctors see inside the skull). So every year at this time, there is a certain level of anxiety in the uncertainty of what the scans might show. But, each time so far, it's been music to our ears when are have heard the radiologist say, as he compares the new scans to the previous ones, and we hold our breath, “I see no changes.” What an overwhelming sense of relief! No third tumor! Thank You, Lord!

Then Jack and I while on our way to the Waffle House, would talk about ''What if something had shown up on the scan? It would have turned our world topsy-turvy against. No change! Beautiful words!


Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use part of the information from this post right above if I provide a link back to this website?


Julie said...

If you include a link to this site, you can use part of the info from this post.

I am the webmaster of this site
Julie Simmons