COAA Centro de Observação Astronómica no Algarve
Poio, 8500 Portimão, Portugal
Tel: + 351 282 471529 e-mail:

Here at COAA we have developed a number of software products that you might find interesting. Some of it is freeware and some of it is subject to a small licence fee after an initial evaluation period.


The software was developed for purposes which may not exactly coincide with your own. The software is made available "as is" with no warranties either expressed or implied as to its suitability for any particular purpose. We hope that you might find it useful and we always welcome constructive criticism. Some of the software requires the payment of a small registration fee. Please only pay the fee after you are satisfied that it does what you want. If you do want to register the software, please do so using our registration web page.

Astronomical software from COAA

In support of our work here at the observatory, we have developed a number of software packages with application to astronomical observong. These include image capture (including the industry-standard AstroVideo), image processing, telescope control, observing scheduling, meteor detection, orbital calculations and much else. Follow this link for a complete list.

Audio/radio/signal processing/decoding software from COAA

Another of our specializations is in the area of signal processing. Packages include such diverse applications as decoding digital radio messages from aircraft, ships, trains, satellites and emergency locator beacons, software to measure radio propagation for amateur radio operators, software to help in the teaching and tuning of stringed instruments, software to detect meteors using radio, software to generate synthetic ATC instructions for pilot training, and much else. Follow this link for a complete list.

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