This weekend, people across the country will take advantage of a long weekend as we celebrate a day dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. Whether you plan on celebrating with a local parade, a backyard BBQ, or a family camping trip, here are three ideas to make this Labor Day weekend really count!

1. Get to know your neighbors. A long weekend is the perfect time to invite over some soon-to-be friends for a refreshing glass of lemonade. Find out what your neighbors do for a living and how they came to live in your community. Swap stories on the best local restaurant or your favorite rainy day activity.

2. Learn about a different culture. Living in Chicago, we are surrounded by many different people, each with amazing stories. This weekend you can visit the African Festival of Art in Washington Park, or stop by the always popular Taste of Polonia. Go eat some food, listen to some music and catch a glimpse of the diversity that makes our city such a beautiful place to live.

3. Serve others. Of course, at Chicago Cares we always think service is a good idea, but when you have an extra day off, it seems like a great idea! Check out our project calendar to see the many different opportunities that are available over the next few days. Or, if you’re already booked, consider signing up to be part of the 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance event next weekend. There is no better time spent than the moments serving others.

Have a great Labor Day weekend from your friends at Chicago Cares!