
Feature Spotlight: AI-Assisted Search

💡Did you know: Claz.org uses AI to recognize uploaded listing images and uses it to improve search accuracy ?
💡Tip: You can use keywords from the images alongside other listing information provided by the posters when searching for a specific item on Claz.

Go ahead and give it a try: https://claz.org/classifieds

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New Features

New Feature: Offer Management

We’re excited to introduce our latest improvements, designed to enhance listing management on Claz. This update simplifies the process of connecting, buying, selling, and renting, improving the overall user experience.

Why we think you’ll love it:

  • Simplified Communication: Making and managing offers on Claz listings is now easier than ever. Whether you’re buying, selling, renting, or requesting services, this feature streamlines your experience.
  • Improved Safety: Ensuring Claz is a secure environment for all users is our top priority. We are committed to continuously enhancing this feature with your safety as our main focus.

How to Get Started:

  • Click “Make Offer” on the listing to initiate communication.
  • Follow the prompts and notifications to complete your offer.
  • Our system will keep you updated on any changes to your offer and assist you with notifications and reminder emails.

We believe this new feature will make your experience on Claz more enjoyable and efficient.

We invite you to try out this new feature and share your feedback at https://claz.org/contact.html 

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New Features

New Feature: Image Attachments

We are thrilled to introduce our latest enhancement: the ability to upload images to conversations. This new feature transforms the way users interact, making conversations more dynamic and engaging for all users. 

Why we think you’ll love this feature: 

  • Improved Chats: Now you can share images for clearer communication.
  • Visual Interaction: This feature empowers users to share photos and other images making interactions not only informative but visually appealing.

How to start:

  • Select a Conversation: Open the conversation, where you’d like to share an image.
  • Upload an Image: Click on the attachment icon within the conversation to upload your required image.

We invite you to try out this new feature and let us know what you think.

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New Features

New Feature: Make Offer

We are excited to introduce our latest feature: the ability to make and accept offers on listings. This new feature streamlines interactions, making them efficient and convenient for all users.

Why we think it’s important:

  • Safety First: Our primary commitment is to make Claz a safer environment for all users, and we will continually enhance this feature, keeping safety our utmost priority.
  • Simplicity and Ease: This feature simplifies interactions between buyers and sellers, making Claz  more user-friendly and efficient.
  • Increased Engagement: Another essential aspect is that it fosters improved engagement, benefiting both buyers and sellers by leading to more meaningful interactions.

How to start:

  • Find a Listing: Start by browsing our listings to find the item, property or the service you’re interested in. 
  • Make an Offer: Click “Make an Offer” on the listing page to start. 
  • Negotiate: Use the offer interface to communicate with the listing owner. Discuss terms, negotiate prices, and clarify any questions you may have. 
  • Track Progress: You can track the status of your offer as it progresses. 

We invite you to try out this new feature and let us know what you think.

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New Features

New Feature: AI-assisted Conversations

We are happy to announce the launch of AI-Assisted Conversations, a feature designed to make it easier for users to interact with listing owners on our platform.

AI-Generated Suggestions

Our system analyzes listings and offers tailored recommendations, making it easier for you to connect with listing owners.

Why we think you’ll love this feature:

  • It saves you time and makes conversations with listing owners more engaging and meaningful.
  • Listing owners receive more inquiries and see better engagement with their listings.

How to start:

Simply initiate a chat with a listing’s owner using our messaging system, and you’ll see suggestions pop up when relevant.

We invite you to try the new feature and let us know what you think

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New Features

New Feature: Account Verification

We’ve rolled out Account Verification. If you see a checkmark next to a username, it means that we’ve vetted and verified that account.

Why This Feature Is Important:

  • Safety First: Our verification process is designed to make Claz a safer environment for all users and reduce potential fraudulent activity.
  • Build Trust: Users can confidently engage with listings, knowing they’re interacting with a genuine, verified party.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Listings from verified users stand out, making them more noticeable to potential customers or partners.
  • Credibility: A verified status emphasizes a user’s dedication to a transparent and trustworthy online presence.

Eligibility Criteria for Verification:

  • Maintain an account in good standing, with a non-offensive display name and an avatar image.
  • Have at least one reviewed and approved classified ad listing.
  • Successfully complete our account verification process.
  • Be prepared to provide documentation verifying identity and eligibility upon request.
  • Maintain an active paid subscription of $9.99/month.

How to Become Verified:

Visit the “My Account” page on our website and follow the “Request Verification” process. Once your request is submitted, our dedicated team typically reviews and gives feedback within one business day.

Check out our help page for more information: https://claz.org/help.html#verified-accounts
Thoughts or suggestions ? Let us know at https://claz.org/contact.html

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New Features

September Update: Links in the description

We’ve rolled out the long-requested ability to add links to the listing’s description. This way users can provide more information about the items they’re selling or services they provide. It should also help small businesses to get in touch with visitors by linking to their business’es website, facebook or instagram accounts. 

pr links

This feature is still in the works and has certain limitations to prevent spam and abuse. Let us know what you think about it at feedback@claz.org

New Features

Better Handling of Policy Violations and Rejected Listings

In June we’ve updated our Security Policy and changed the way we notify our users about policy violations.

Many online services, especially Classified Ads, rely on ghosting to keep their users safe. It’s a technique where suspicious or banned content is hidden from other visitors. The owner of the ghosted content is unaware of the ban and has no way of getting back in good standing.

Here at Claz our mission is to maintain a healthy and safe user community. We believe that to succeed, we have to keep a good faith relationship with our users and visitors. We felt it was important to improve the way Claz handles suspected and rejected listings:

  • We’ve updated our system to better indicate to the users when the listing is rejected. Users can check the status of the listing (posted, pending, rejected) on My Listings page, Listing Details page, as well as get email notification with listing’s status changes


  • We’re now doing a better job communicating content-related issues to the users. Claz will send notification if security system was declined listing to post


  • We’ve added a way for the users to appeal rejections and resolve content-related issues.It has now become possible to ask the administrators to review the ad if it has been blocked by security system by clicking on the Appeal button, if the user feels that he did not violate the TOS.


We hope that these changes will make us more open with our users regarding policy violations and will help to build a better user community on the principles of openness, good faith and trust.