Branding Corporate Identity

Branding your corporate identity in your products and services is actually a promise made to the customer, a promise that is based on your company’s reputation, the quality of your product, product experiences and so on.

Advantages of A Good TV Commercial

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Television viewing is a favorite pastime as well as a means of relaxation for most people. Reasons are not hard to fathom. Television harnesses the two most important sensory organs – eyes and ears – by combining sight, color, sound and motion to capture the imagination of the viewer.

With TV being such a dominant medium to catch eyeballs, it is not surprising that TV advertising corners the biggest part of marketing outlay of a company. Let’s discuss some of the advantages of advertising through television commercials.

1. A well-made ad can reach millions in one go and if it has got recall value because of great content, the advertised product makes the required impact.

2. Since TV has so many options for each demographic group, you can focus on your target audience by picking and choosing the right slots for your commercials. For instance, if you are targeting kids, you can advertise during popular cartoon shows, whereas if housewives are your target audience, you will choose soap operas.

3. With TV, you have a better scope of catching the attention and imagination of your target audience. You got music, you got visuals, you can tell a story, you can combine all the aforesaid elements and you can take the viewers on a delightful ride which will have them coming back for more. As a result, a cleverly crafted TV commercial with superior production values can propel the advertised product to never before sales figures.

But TV commercial production and broadcast is a costly affair. That is why experienced advertising agencies with full fledged television commercial production facilities are the best organizations for creating a TV commercial that will be an effective promotion vehicle for your products or services.

Written by jenniewilliams

May 22, 2008 at 8:35 am

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