Vectorizing & Digitizing your only source
15 Years Of Experience | USA Office and Support!

$14 to $25

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Convert bitmap to vector graphic files: starting at $8.

Vectorizing bitmap images are fast and affordable, with a 24 hour turnaround.

Bitmap to vector conversion is when raster graphics (such as JPGs) are recreated as scalable vector graphics. Raster images will pixelate when expanded bigger than its current size. Converting the original bitmap to a vectorized file type will allow it to be used for hundreds of different printing purposes and other implementations. We can convert raster images to vector for a fraction of the cost a designer would charge.

We have over 20 years of experience with bitmap to vector work, streamlining the work between customer and artist to save money and time for all involved. You can trust (based in Southern California) with your artwork needs. Our excellent customer service and high quality file conversions will get the job done!

Bitmap (BMP) images are one of the most commonly used image formats in the screen printing and embroidery business. But the bitmap/raster image format is not scalable to be enlarged to bigger sizes. The problem with bitmap images is that they are not as clean, and they are not easy to use like vector files are, for production purposes. “Vectorizing” is the process of converting these images into a vector format file, such as: EPS; SVG; AI; etc. Converting the bitmap to vector format will make the lines of the image appear clean and smooth for screen printing. One of the biggest advantages is that you can easily manage the color information on the file, to see the number of colors and change the colors easily. Some of the most popular and widely used bitmap to vector software is Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. has services, such as converting bitmap to vector images. Send us your bitmap image and our experienced vector artists will redraw it by hand to ensure the highest quality. All work is done based on your specifications, and you are not charged until you are absolutely satisfied with the produced artwork file. Vector conversion is the best way to get smooth, flawless lines throughout a digital image.

Vector conversion can be done from many common file formats, such as: bmp, jpg/jpeg, png, gif, etc. The resolution of the image does not have to be perfect. As long as it is clear enough for our artists to see properly, we can recreate it for you.

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