Comfort Slat Mat

Comfort Slat Mat is the result of extensive research and development in Ireland, Holland & U.S.A over a five year period, to meet the ever increasing demands by both Farmers & the E.U. to improve the welfare of cattle housed on slats. It also addresses, for the first time by any mat, the major issue of achieving reductions in the ammonia emissions from the slatted floors.
Although, there are various mats types available, none of them fully addresses the problems experienced by the farmer and Comfort Slat Mat was designed especially to address these problems
Comfort Slat Mat improves animal cleanliness, health & welfare by the unique curved shape of the mat. It achieves a significant reduction in lameness of animals through its unique cored centre with a ‘super-soft’ interior. It ensures that animals are kept dry due to curved floor interface. The curved shape also achieves the speedy removal of animal waste to the slurry tank below.